Saturday, October 5, 2013

Last guy who picks wants to play Fizz Mid?

Subject says it all.  Claims mid and wants them to not ban Fizz and for whoever goes first or second pick to pick Fizz and swap with him.  I have a feeling he's not going to get Fizz and if he doesn't, he'll just feed...  But maybe I'm just being overly critical.

Our Team:

Sona Support, Miss Fortune ADC, Nautilus Jungle, Fizz Mid, Jarvan IV Top

Their Team:

Lux Mid, Malphite Jungle, Garen Top, Quinn ADC, Leona Support

So he got Fizz..and he went Flash Heal?  I guess I'll wait to see how it is before I judge it.

Not sure I've ever laned with JIV against Garen top, so we'll see hwo that goes too.

Well....I don't want to say that I under-estimated Garen.  But perhaps I over-estimated my ability to soak damage.  I need to be smarter....went 0/1 at the 8 minute mark.

On my way back, Nautilus ran into him in the Jungle and was leading him out.  I met him and engaged.  My pop-up didn't affect Garen, not sure why....I don't know his powers well enough maybe?  Anyway, Maplhite and Lux came up so it was quickly 1v3.  I dodged Lux but was low enough for Malphite to dive under my tower.

From there the game fell apart.  Fizz was feeding Lux pretty hard.  Bot lane was trading kills, mostly MF killing and Sona getting killed.  I managed to take my tower first, around the same time bot lost theirs, but that was maybe the last "bright" spot.  And I only took mine because I recgonized

Sona wasn't that great.  I watched her dive a bush face first after watching Fizz die in it...she thought she could kill Malphite 1v1 with her Ult.  And at most she had a single ward on the map at any time.  Usually less.

Game ended at 37 minutes with our Nexus being destroyed.


Jarvan IV - 3/6/7 - 114 CS
Miss Fortune - 11/7/6 - 243 CS
Sona - 0/10/17 - 29 CS
Nautilus - 4/7/6 - 107 CS
Fizz - 5/12/5 - 62 CS

Garen - 14/2/11 - 108 CS
Malphite - 4/5/17 - 150 CS
Lux - 10/4/12 - 131 CS
Quinn - 13/8/12 - 152 CS
Leona - 1/5/18 - 17 CS

- 15 Points, Bronze IV, 52 LP

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