Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Starcraft? How do I play Starcraft again?

I haven't played in a while.  Been playing some other things, League of Legends mostly but also been just busy with life.

So of course I figured I'd just jump right in, instead of spending any time warming up or anything crazy like that.  Season 3 here I come!

I got rocked.  No surprise.

TvT on Antiga Shipyard, my first time playing on that map.  I couldn't remember how to build anything.  TvT used to be something I was good at, I couldn't get my Barracks up, build my SCVs on time, remember my hotkeys, anything.

It's going to take a awhile to get back to how to play again =)

Oh and it looks like SC2Replayed uploads are broken again, so I'll be manually uploading for a while longer.

- 0 Points, Gold League Division Rank 82, Remaining Bonus Pool 530