Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Well I don't know what to say to that one...

Our Team:

Graves ADC, Brand Mid, Braum Support, Garen Top, Rammus Jungle

Their Team:

Nidalee Support, Jax Jungle, Heimerdinger Mid, Olaf Top, Varus ADC

Our team started off strong...then it totally fell apart.  But on the back of Garen and Brand we came back hard, despite Graves' best efforts to kill us.

Win, + 21 LP, Bronze V, 44 LP


Monday, February 23, 2015

Why can't people communicate in the pre game chat?

I don't understand.  Is it so hard to read the chat and respond?  Seriously?  Ugg...  One guy requests mid.  No one speaks up.  Another guy who picks before chooses Zed.  That's fine, he gets to pick first, I have no problem with him choosing the lane he wants.  But he could at least speak up and clarify "yeah, I'm planning on going mid".  And if not, he could speak up when other people in the chat ask him for clarification.

It's a team game.  Please...some minimum effort for communication would be great.

Our Team:

Corki ADC, Zed Mid, Nidalee Jungle, Yorick Top, Galio Support

Their Team:

Tryndamere Top, Viegar Mid, Jinx ADC, Malphite Support, Pantheon Jungle

Just as I came out of the jungle for my first gank all 3 lanes got a kill, almost simultaneously.

This was the theme of the game.  We won at 22 minutes with 18 to 3 kills.  My teammates didn't need me...I didn't do anything, I was carried to victory.

An odd reverse of the usual, but I'll take it.

Win, +23 Points, Bronze V: 23 LP


Saturday, February 14, 2015

I don't know how to deal with LeBlanc...

Our Team:

Syndra Mid, Corki ADC, Master Yi Jungle, Morgana Support, Cho'Gath Top

Their Team:

LeBlanc Mid, Caitlyn ADC, Sion Top, Nidalee Jungle, Leona Support

I can't lane against her.  Either I give up the lane entirely or I die to her.  It seems that straight forward.

I honestly think the only way to beat her is to ban her.

It was just an awful game.  My plan was to stay away from LeBlanc.  I couldn't do it.  I could not figure out how.  She killed me again and again and again.

That was pretty much it.  GG.

- 10 Points, Bronze V, 0 LP


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Originally I was going to play nemesis mode..

But my first lobby disbanded because not everyone could figure out how the game worked, fair enough...

Our Team:

Darius Top, Fizz Mid, Vi Jungle, Draven ADC, Morgana Support

Their Team:

Kennen Top, Amumu Jungle, Kayle Mid, Varus ADC, Zilean Support

There was a positive, friendly, cooperative atmosphere in the pregame chat lobby.  Hoping it translates into the game itself...

We surrendered at 28 minutes.

It was an awful awful game.  Darius got his ass handed to him by Kennen up top and fed him something like 4 kills in 7 minutes.  Fizz was almost the same.  Vi also fed a bunch of kills, but I don't know that I blame her - they happened when she was trying to recover a bad situation.  I took down the only tower we captured.

In the mean time, Amumu, Kennen and Kayle got super fed and just roflstomped us.

-17 Points, Bronze V, Rank 6 (10 Points)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

I pick first...

Being just placed in Bronze V having no points, this worries me that I'm at the top of my group.  Especially when someone says they "main ADC" and have "50 games played with Vayne this season".  I hope a few of those were wins..

Our Team:

Jarvan IV Jungle, Vayne ADC, Hecarim Top, Nami Support, Ahri Mid

Their Team:

Karma Support, Vi Jungle, Gnar Top, Orianna Mid, Jinx ADC

Wow did our Vayne carry.  She scored 28 of our team's 53 kills.  I guess he wasn't lying about being good with Vayne.

Bot ran hard picking up kills left and right.  I ganked Mid and Top and Bot a few times, but for not much effect.  However it didn't matter...our Nami was great and worked well with Vayne and their team just crumpled.

+ 72 Points, Bronze V, Rank 4


Final Placement Match for the season...

I was first Pick and the enemy team banned Braum.  Which I'd never seen before...

Fortunately no one on my team had a strong preference for Jungle or Support, so I thought I'd Support Zyra but couldn't find my Rune / Mastery for AP Support (found after champ select of course) so I went JIV Jungle.

Our Team:

Jarvan IV Jungle, Ahri Mid, Darius Top, Caitlyn ADC, Annie Support

Their Team:

Zed Mid, Pantheon Top, Quinn ADC, Hecarim Jungle, Anivia Support

Right off the our bot lane got destroyed.  They got first blood quick, followed it up with another kill and another and another.  Not long after that Caitlyn just gave up bot lane and started to gank other lanes hoping for some kills.  That didn't work out for her.

I did my best but couldn't keep up with the needs.  We had 0 control over the map bot lane and I couldn't seem to get any back.  Quickly things crumbled.

It should be a mark of how bad things were that I had the highest CS on my team.

10th Placement Match - Loss.  Placement - Bronze V.  No surprise.


I have a good feeling?

At least the pre-game chat was positive.

Our Team:

Braum Support, Lux Mid, Nasus Top, Vi Jungle, Varus ADC

Their Team:

Teemo Mid, Darius Top, Katarina ?, Lucian ?, Leona Support

So it's not clear right off the bat who's playing once.  Darius, Teemo and Kat all have Flash / Ignite.  Lucian has Flash / Smite.  If it's Lucian jungle - I've never seen that before and I don't know how I feel about it.  If anyone else is jungle, I feel good he doesn't have Smite?

If Lucian is jungle - then Teemo / Leona bot?  I have no idea what that'll feel like...

So....Kat and Teemo both start mid for the first minion wave, then Kat goes bot and joins Lucian and Leona until about level 3, when Lucian left to go jungle.

The game fell apart from there.

Vi came up to gank mid, but then didn't move in with Lux because "she might die".

Everytime anyone missed an attack or an ult or died Vi chimed in to tell them they were bad and they should feel bad and other negative things.  I eventually asked her politely to shut up, she claimed to be helping and I muted her.

Vi and Nasus fed the crap out of Darius top.  Lux fed Teemo mid and Varus and I held our own for a little while bot until things fella part.

Teemo went crazy heavy AP (asp to be expected) and was picking up kills left and right with his shrooms.

Our Varus was actually pretty good and made a decent showing.

Our Vi did terrible, continuing to feed and, apparently, degrade the team.  I couldn't hear her comments of course, but our team's reaction to things I couldn't see being said seemed pretty straight forward.  She ended 4/12/3.

I died quite a bit, of course.  I would initiate and try to back out, but soaking a lot of damage for the team while they initiated.  I also made a few bad calls trying to make or prevent something from happening, where I might normally have not tried it but it was going so bad that I just made a bad call and ran with it.

At the end, 40 minutes in, we lost with 17 kills to 38 kills.

9th Placement Match - Loss


Friday, February 6, 2015

Hooray for pregame chat...again =/

We have most everything worked out.  Except our second pick hasn't spoken up.  He grabs Lissandra, still refusing to speak in chat.  Another player is planning on taking mid, but the other team first picked his mid so he declares a pref for top.  Then our player takes Liss and he says "well now that's out too".  We try to clarify with the Lissandra player if he's playing top or mid, but he doesn't respond in chat.  Hooray.

So it's his pick now and we're asking him what he's going to take.  He says he'll do ADC but he's garbage.  So the other player picking switches to ADC, tells him to take Mid and he'll be ADC.  Meanwhile he chooses ADC as well, Caitlyn and Draven.


Our Team:

Braum Support, Lissandra Top, Caitlyn Mid, Draven ADC, Maokai Jungle

Their Team:

Heimerdinger Mid, Taric Support, Warwick Jungle, Yasuo Top, Miss Fortune ADC

Why are all my ranked games like this?

Very quickly it's clear that his self assessment is right.  He comes bot with me as Draven while Caitlyn takes mid.  Quickly MF and Taric have us pinned to our turret and we stay there.  She opens up an early lead of 2x the CS and keeps it for much of the game.

Lissandra only communicates with us once, to complain when Mao doesn't abandon mid lane to Heim to come save her lane when she's losing her tower.  He's covering mid while Caitlyn's dead.

Despite everything...Caitlyn and Maokai are cleaning up.  Hard.  They're driving Heimer out of lane, forcing WW to spend a lot of time there and Mao's solo'ing WW like it's nothing.  I run in and help them defend Dragon at one point, picking up Taric, Heim and WW for no losses on our part.

I wish I had recorded the game because suddenly we're winning.

Eventually we start getting inhibitors and soon it's all over.  I went 1/0/20, getting in on 21 of the 32 kills.  Maokai picks up 12 kills, Caitlyn 10 and Draven even picks up 6 with a triple kill making up part of it.

Of course once we're done we see that Heimer dropped somewhere toward the end.  I'm not sure it cost them the game, but it does deflate the victory a little.

8th Placement Match: Win

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Hrm...chat problems

Pre game chat problems.  We had a lot of trouble deciding who was going to take what lane in the pre game lobby.  That never gives me warm fuzzies about a game.

Our Team:

Talon Mid, Braum Support, Caitlyn ADC, Wukong Top, Nunu Jungle

Their Team:

Kha'Zix Jungle, Yasuo Mid, Taric Support, Maokai Top, Ezreal ADC

Right off the bat the team seems to insist on invading their blue and it's a disaster.  We walk away giving them 3 kills and we only pick up 1.

So we start off way behind but Wukong gets fed like crazy.  He's running around the map picking up more and more kills but it's not enough.  Nunu and Talon are wild cards.  They want to run off and do Baron when the whole enemy team is up.  They want to split push when we need all 5 pushing down the center and they want to lane when the enemy is in our base killing our nexus turrets.

At first Wukong is resistant to their terrible ideas as well.  The two of us talk them out of a bad Baron.  But eventually they wear him down and myself as well as I don't bother to do much more than point out that their whole team is up and MIA.  I join them for a second, terrible Baron idea and we get stomped hard.

At 36 minutes when Nunu suddenly leaves the game we learn that they're duo quing together, so I guess there shouldn't be any surprise there.  He never makes it back to the game.

I had an awful game, I couldn't get any gold....Caitlyn and I were starved out of the bot lane.  Ezreal and Taric weren't that super aggressive but they were keeping us pushed enough.  Wukong ended 20/7/9, but 1 champion isn't enough to carry us all.

Placement Match 7: Loss
