Friday, March 27, 2015

JIV Top again...

Let's see if it generates another win.

Our Team:

Jarvan IV Top, Zyra Mid, Janna Support, Rek'Sai Jungle, Caitlyn ADC

Their Team:

Vi Jungle, Annie Support, Malzahar Mid, Mordekaiser Top, Lucian ADC

Well I got First Blooded at level 2 by Mordekaiser.  So that's a terrible start...

And it all went downhill from there.  I had to Mute Zyra for being a terrible person.  I lost my lane hard to Mordekaiser.  I don't feel like I fed, I had some good ganks and some decent ganks from Rek'Sai and one decent gank from Zyra, but for the most part I learned how to deal with him, keep my distance, close when his CDs were up, keep his shield stripped, etc.  But still...didn't go well.

Anyway, we lost.  Every aspect of the game...Mid and Bot went first, then eventually top.  They took the Dragons and Baron and just burned us down.

- 15, Bronze IV, 5 LP

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Home sick...

But I can't sleep.  So let's play some LoL...

Our Team:

Jarvan IV Top, Zyra Mid, Warwick Jungle, Vayne ADC, Amumu Support

Their Team:

Lucian ADC, Shaco Jungle, Morgana Support, Gnar Top, Yasuo Mid

Game went well.  Bot lane started slow, they got first blood but then gave away a bunch of kills as Shaco camped them hard.  I did okay against Gnar, my first time really laneing against him, but I eventually figured it out.  WW came up to help me out a few times.

At the end we struggled to work together, everyone was off taking their own objectives and making bad decisions.  But we did eventually get there and pull it together for a win.

Win, + 19 Points, Bronze IV 19 LP

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Thursday, March 19, 2015

4 Teleports...

Our Team:

Jayce Top, Udyr Mid, Jinx ADC, Malzahar Mid, Taric Support

Their Team:

Lucian ADC, Leona Support, Kha'Zix Top, Warwick Jungle,  Morgana Mid

Their Morgana brought Teleport.  Our Malzahar, Udyr and myself also did...

So this game was awful.  Kha'Zix got crazy strong crazy fast.  No back, just his kit outmatched Jayce's so well so quickly at level 3 he started diving me.  It didn't take long for him to pick up his first kill.

He ended up getting 3 kills off me in lane.  Udyr ganked twice, the first time he came in and ganked when Kha'Zix was almost under his tower.  The second time he came in as Kha'Zix dove me under my tower.  I drove him off but because Udyr was there I engaged.  Unfortunately it didn't go well and he killed me for time #3, to which Udyr responded telling me I was "so f***ing bad and was feeding".  The game only got worse from there.

Kha'Zix carried their team.  I had minimal help top lane so he did well there.  I pinged MIA multiple times when he'd disappear and push my lane hard, but people would still die and still complain about no MIA being called.  He fed off the other lanes more than my lane and in the end it was just awful.

He went 24/3/6.  Their next highest killer was 7/2/16 on Lucian.  Our best was Malzahar, 5/9/4, for myself I went 1/10/3.  I never got back into the game once I was beaten in top lane.

+ 0 Points, Bronze IV, 0 LP

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Caitlyn win's lanes, not games

Really she doesn't even always win lanes.  But we'll see...

I'm first pick / banner for our team which bodes well for my second promotional series game...

Our Team:

Caitlyn ADC, Darius Top, Udyr Jungle, Rammus Support, Orianna Mid

Their Team:

Lissandra Mid, Warwick Jungle, Tryndamere Top, Jinx ADC, Blitzcrank Support

In this case, Caitlyn doesn't win anything when Darius doesn't bother to show up.

Darius apparently never loaded.  He eventually joined the game at 21 minutes claiming his internet died.  Probably did, no reason to doubt him, his loading screen paused at 15%.

Rammus went top.  I accidentally approved this, thinking I was approving Udyr going top and not reading closely enough.

Rammus picks up a few good kills top while losing the tower, meanwhile I'm getting raped in bot lane.  Jinx and Blitz have me completely zoned out but at least I'm not giving up kills.  At first.  Eventually it happens.  They push to the tower and just start diving me.  When that's not working well enough Lissandra and WW come down and invade and the 4 of them start diving me.  Pretty soon I can't leave the base without getting ganked by their whole team.  My choices are to sit at base or die.

Amazingly, Udyr and Rammus are meanwhile getting crazy fed.  By the time Darius comes back, we've already turned the game around.  It's not long after this that we start to be able to push, driving the enemy team out of every team fight and eventually win the game.

Series 2 for 2, Promoted to Bronze IV

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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Jungle Tank

Our Team:

Blitzcrank Support, Teemo Top, Corki ADC, Ahri Mid, Jarvan IV Jungle

Their Team:

Riven Top, Sivir ADC, Evelynn Jungle, Heimerdinger Mid, Sona Support

So we started out bad and it just got worse as the game went on.

Ahri gave up a bunch of kills early to Hiemerdinger, she was apparently expecting a much easier lane than she got.

Bot and Top lanes were pushed hard so I couldn't get in for a gank.  Teemo kept getting ganked and bot was picking up kills, so I went mid and farmed my jungle.

Eve farms jungle a lot faster than JIV apparently, because she was 6 before I was 5.  And she was cleaning house whereas my ganks on Heimer weren't going well, even cost Ahri her life a few times, though she over committed imo.

Anyway...we kept loosing almost every engagement and every dragon.  But we finally won one and pushed down an inhib.  Split pushing Teemo pushed down another.  We finally got a dragon, then lost all the fights again....

At the end of the day they did a 5 man push on mid.  We did a 4 man defend and lost, but took a few with us.  Meanwhile Teemo pushed down top and took the inhib since winions had already destroyed the turrets.  Win.

1 - 0 Divison Series

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Monday, March 16, 2015

Happy to Fill

Recently people have been thanking me for saying I'll fill.  While they meanwhile demand a particular lane.

I don't know what I think of that yet...

What I do know about my thoughts is that the last pick on our team is upset that the other team picked Lee Sin.  Best to assume Lee Sin is 100% pick / ban, if he wasn't banned and you're last picked, expect him to be picked before you have the chance.

Our Team:

Zed Mid, Nidalee Jungle, Quinn ADC, Braum Support, Wukong Top

Their Team:

Xerath Mid, Jinx ADC, Lee Sin Jungle, Kayle Support, Fizz Top

This Quinn seems willing to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

She keeps suiciding in.

But she didn't die enough to cost us the game.

I qualified for my series!

I finally feel like I can really make a different with Braum.  I an get into team fights, be disruptive and help my team get kills and take objectives.  It feels like I'm helping my team do well, making a difference between winning and losing, not simply being along for the ride.

Series Qualification

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Friday, March 13, 2015

Friendly group in pre-game chat

Everyone talking and making jokes.  Typically that translates into a good game....

My ADC says that ADC is his worst position, so I wish he'd said something...I could have done that instead of support.  I went support because people prefer to not play it...

She also brought Teleport.  I...hope that was intentional....I think.

Our Team:

Ahri Mid, Braum Support, Xin Zhao Jungle, Darius Top, Vayne ADC

Their Team:

Gragas Mid, Volibear Top, Sivir ADC, Trundle Jungle, Morgana Support

Well we won.  But only because of Xin Zhao.  Darius was not good, and Vayne was awful.


Saturday, March 7, 2015

"Why the f*** are you jung Nid?"

This is what I was asked in pre game chat by our mid just before the lobby ended and the game loaded.

Filling me with confidence about this group.

Our Team:

Xerath Mid, Leona Support, Ezreal ADC, Tryndamere Top, Nidalee Jungle

Their Team:

Cho'Gath Top, Kalista ADC, Vladimir Mid, Teemo Support, Sejuani Jungle

That game was miserable from begining to end.  I couldn't do anything right and, for the most part, neither could the rest of my team.  Excepting maybe Ezreal and occasionally Xerath.  But Xerath seemed to make enough mistakes to counter that.

- 14 LP, Bronze V, 70 LP

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Friday, March 6, 2015

Pantheon Top

I think I'm 0 for 2 or 0 for 3 with Pantheon top.  So statistically it doesn't bode well...

Our Team:

Pantheon Top, Vi Jungle, Leona Support, Zed Mid, Jinx ADC

Their Team:

Annie Mid, Nunu Top, Kha'Zix Jungle, Varus ADC, Zielan Support

Well, we won.


We rolled them pretty hard, but Kha'Zix left about the time we really picked up steam.  So it's hard to count it as a win because his not being there really gave us some positional advantage.

+ 19 LP, Bronze V, 84 LP

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Monday, March 2, 2015

Going top again!

Our Team:

Azir Mid, Pantheon Top, Sivir ADC, Nidalee Jungle, Brand Support

Their Team:

Graves ADC, Thresh Support, Trundle Top, Warwick Jungle, Ahri Mid

The only person who voiced a preference (or anything for that matter, besides me) was our first picker who wanted mid.  I picked second so I just went top.  Why not...

Not sure how I feel about a Brand support, but I guess we'll see how it goes?

It didn't go well.  Brand was awful.  Azir was awful.  Nidalee was awful.  They all 3 fed the heck out of Graves and Ahri.

In our 29 minute loss Graves picked up 12 kills and 13 assists, Ahri 20 kills.  Azir managed to die 12 times, Nidalee and Brand 9 each.  I'm pretty sure Brand died twice in the first 5 minutes though.

Loss, - 15 Points, Bronze V, 65 LP

I hate doing the picks / bans

I also hate choosing first.  I like to fill now that I can hit all positions comfortably...

Our Team:

Braum Support, Tryndamere Top, Nidalee Mid, Caitlyn ADC, Warwick Jungle

Their Team:

Leona Support, Udyr Jungle, Corki ADC, Teemo Mid,  Cho'Gath Top

We rolled this team as well.  Unfortunatly it turned out their Udyr D/C'd...but I feel like we would have won anyway.

Caitlyn and I got off to a good start.  They came back and established some domination in the lane but by then we were doing okay.  Got some help, had some team fights and things were going well.

Teemo..was a bit of a problem.  He ended up going 14/7/4, earning a tie with Nidalee for the most kills.

Anyway I'll take it.

+ 17 Points, Bronze V, 80 LP

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Hooray pre game chat!

At least from a few people.  Someone who picked a somewhat lane ambiguous choice (Annie, so mid or support) declared the lane they were going to play.

Let's see if it translates to a better game....

Our Team:

Annie Mid, Graves ADC, Morgana Support, Jarvan IV Top, Fiora Jungle

Their Team:

Jinx ADC, Ziggs Mid, Janna Support, Nocturne Jungle, Darius Top

I went Jarvan IV top.  Fiora and I were last to pick on our team and she asked me to swap if they counter picked her in champ select for top.  They "did" apparently with Darius, so we swapped and I ended up on to speak.

I forgot to take teleport though, so I'm a little upset about that.  At least I switched my runes / masteries and my smite for ignite.

Our team rolled them.  Hard.  Znnie went 10/3/5 just stomping them.  Ziggs died 8 times, Jinx 7, Darius 6.  Darius and I each only picked up 2 kill in the top lane, until Annie came up and helped me gank him for a second.  He pretty much drove me out of lane hard but I held back, didn't feed and waited for my opportunity.

Win, + 19 Points, Bronze V, 63 LP