Sunday, April 5, 2015

I don't ADC ranked very often...

It's weird to lane with the support and not be the support.

Our Team:

Caitlyn ADC, Kha'Zix Top, Rammus Jungle, Cho'Gath Mid, Morgana Support

Their Team:

Vladimir Top, Sona Support, Ahri Mid, Lee Sin Jungle, Ashe ADC

What a terrible experience.  Firstly I started out badly struggling with my CS mechanics a little.  It often takes me a few to get my feet under me when CS'ing.  Then their Sona was SUPER HYPER aggressive.  It was terrible.  Morgana didn't seem to be paying attention at all and it went touch and go but I managed to pick up first blood once she engaged and I was hopeful.

Hopeful for no reason.  The top and jungle were losing it hard and Sona / Ashe came back hard to punish us for first blood.

Pretty soon Morgana got fed up and quit.  Rammus and Kha'Zix kept bickering in chat and getting super negative.

The whole experience was awful and exactly what I expect from Bronze...

Loss, - 13 LP, Bronze IV, 17 LP

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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Last 2, happy to fill

I mean the last 2 picks on our team should be happy to fill anyway, but it's nice when it just works out that way.

Our Team:

Caitlyn ADC, Vi Jungle, Lissandra Mid, Braum Support, Ryze Top

Their Team:

Akali Mid, Sion Top, Poppy Support, Vayne ADC, Rek'Sai Jungle

We should not have won that game.

Caitlyn was struggling with CS out of the gate.  She was missing them left and right.

But we still were winning our lane.  Barely but we were.  Why?

Because Poppy never joined.

I couldn't get her to zone out Vayne and freeze the lane.  She only understood pushing the CS under the tower.  So Vayne happily sat under her tower getting XP and picking up almost as much CS as Caitlyn, but out leveling us with solo lane XP.

The rest of the team was seemingly as awful it felt.  Vi was not bad but it was hard to tell if she was good or just riding a good champion.  But she wasn't bad, either way.

And every time we'd do 1 thing right, like win a fight, we'd do 2 things wrong like give up Dragon and a tower.

Yet it was still a win.

Win, + 25 Points, Bronze IV, 30 LP