Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I don't even have to rewatch this one...

TvZ on Metalopolis.  I let him build all he wanted and he won.  He hit me early with a few Zerglings which didn't get past my wall-in.  But instead of countering hard and forcing him to make Zerglings, I just sat back and one-based Barracks units while he expanded all over the place and rolled me.

But my macro felt a bit better.  My build wasn't very smooth, but I was doing a decent job of keeping up with SCV production and managing my units and upgrades.

Certainly felt better, so slowly getting my basic play mechanics back.  Once those start feeling less cumbersome I can worry more about the in-game tactics.

- 0 Points, Platinum League Division Rank 94, Remaining Bonus Pool 115

Btw, it seems that SC2 is broken again and I'm having to manually upload these.

The thing I liked about the site was that it would let you build a profile around a single player.  The lack of the auto-parse upload is really frustrating...but I stay because it at least still lets you differentiate between the Leagues.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Computer's fixed! Macro is not...

So it's been a long time since I posted because it's been a long time since I've been able to play Starcraft II.

My computer crashed hard during an upgrade in late fall.  Unfortunately this was right before I was stuck in bed for a few weeks recovering from surgery.  So getting it fixed and working ended up becoming a multi-month project.

But I'm back and I'm playing again.  The goal I set for myself before the PC crashed was to play 15 games a week.  I'm still going to try to hold to that, so we'll see.

I've already played my 5 placement matches.  I went 3 and 2 which wasn't bad, but the games all felt awful to me, win or loss.  I forgot to build workers, I sat on a lot of cash, I controlled my units poorly.  It was just terrible.  How I won 3 of those games boggles me.

But it gets better, because after loosing my last of the 5 games, my second overall loss in the series, I got ranked.  Platinum league.


So...let's queue up.  My goal is not to win.  Winning would be great, but for now defining a win for me is to just macro well.  Build my drones / scvs / probes, keep myself from being supply blocked, constantly produce from the structures I build.

We'll see how it goes.


ZvP, I lost in 10 minutes.  He one base rushed me hard.  Brought in Void Rays, put a pylon in my base and just spawned a crap load of Stalkers in my base.  I couldn't do anything.

My opening felt really rough.  I had no timing or anything.  I didn't really know what I was doing, so I'll have to work on that.  Just need to get all the rust off and remember how to play.

- 0 Points, Platinum League Division Rank 96, Remaining Bonus Pool 90