Sunday, February 24, 2013

4 lobby attempts before the match started

2 someone timed out on accepting, and 2 someone quit during picks / bans.  Ug.

Us:  Sivir adc, Jarvan jungle, Garen top, Viktor mid, Soraka support

Them: Ezreal adc, Thresh support, Ryze mid , Kayle top, Pantheon jungle

I was in a lobby with their Ezreal in one of the attempts leading to this game.  He spammed the chat "ezreal top or mid" and was (is in our game, too) ghost and flash.  I'll be interested to see how that goes.

Jungle Jarvan was rocking it for us.  Not much else to say, really, he dominated.  By level 12 I hadn't touched my 3 starting health pots.  Won at level 15 by killing their Nexus.

I went 5/2/5 with 159 CS.  Their mid, Ryze, went 3/8/3.

+ 19 Points, Bronze Division III Rank 33

First LoL Game Post

First LoL game I'm logging here.  Let's see how I go.  I'm starting in Bronze III with 0 pro.

My team banned Vayne and Caitlyn.  Unusual bans in my experience?

Mundo jungle, LeBlanc mid, Morgana support and Garen top, I'm running Draven adc.  The opposing team is Taric support, Miss Fortune adc, Jayce top, Fizz mid and Vi jungle.

I'd have liked to bring Cait vs Miss Fortune but my captain was banning without participating in the room chat.

I let them draw me too far away from my tower at level 3 and get first blood.  Miss F was way low on health, but I always forget about Taric's stun...

Died again at 5 under my tower when they dove me.

Morgana went afk for two levels and then Mundo came down for a gank, Morg got the kill on MF.  Once they were both back in lane Mundo came in again and I got a kill on Taric.  Another hit on Taric without Mundo and we were caught up.

Then Garen disconnected, Morgana stopped warding the bush and we lost.  First surrender vote at 23 failed, we were still winning 10:6 in kills.  Morgana went afk again for a while and the whole thing spiraled down from there.

Garen came back at 30 minutes, claiming bad network.  I started buying wards because they were just ambushing us in our jungle and no one else seemed to be buying them...but it was all too late.  They aced us at 34 and the game ended at 41 minutes.

I went 5/8/4 with 193 CS.  Compared to their adc MF who went 15/2/6 with 348 CS.

- 0 Points, Bronze Division III Rank 48

Saturday, February 23, 2013


I've been playing some of the Heart of the Swarm beta, coming out soon.  I've also been playing League of Legends again.

With the new ranking system in LoL and HotS coming out soon I've decided to update the blog a bit.

I'm going to start logging my LoL ranked games on, and I want to differentiate my Wings of Liberty games from my HotS.  So I've added a new label to my previous posts.

  • SC2 WoL - Original Starcraft 2, Wings of Liberty
  • SC2 HotS - New Starcraft 2 Expansion, Heart of the Swarm
  • LoL SR - League of Legends Summoner's Rift Ranked