Thursday, July 18, 2013

No Shen ban? No problem.

Our Team:

Shyvana Jungle, Cho'Gath Top, Ezreal ADC, Kayle Mid, Janna Support

Their Team:

Zed Top, Brand Mid, Twitch ADC, Leona Support, Hecarim Jungle

I think we can win the late game team fights even though their initiate is better.  We'll see how we do.

We didn't do well at all.  They rolled us.  Hecarim's fear was too much and their team was too fed.  Cho'Gath kept making questionable decisions, Kayle fed Brand heavily and though Ezreal and I won our lane and he got decently fed, it just wasn't enough to deal with their super team.

We got our asses thoroughly kicked.  I went 0/6/8.  Their Brand went 18/6/14.  Hecarim went 12/5/18 and Zed 5/3/20.  Terrible.

+ 0 Points, Bronze III, 0 LP
Our Team:

Shyvana Jungle, Anivia Mid, Riven Top, Caitlyn ADC, Janna Support

Their Team:

Ezreal ADC, Hecarim Jungle, Jax Top, Nami Support, Diana Mid

Well that was terrible.  But at least I don't feel like I did terrible.  Their Diana got out of control.  We won our bot lane but Cait was being super aggressive which turned into trouble in the mid to late game.

+ 0 Points, Bronze III, 0 LP

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Now with 100% more Frisco

Our Team:

Shyvana Jungle, Karma Support, Garen Top, Brand Mid, Draven ADC

Their Team:

Zac Jungle, Twisted Fate Mid, Caitlyn ADC, Jax Top, Kassadin Support

Why do I feel like such an awful player in so many games?  I was level 15 at the end of this horrendous loss.  Karma was 16, everyone else on both teams was 18.  I had 166 CS.  Better than most of their team but that was it.  I went 0/8/3.  I couldn't get CS, I couldn't get kills, I couldn't get assists.  All I could do was sit under my tower without access to Creep, or Die.

The common point in all my failures is me.  What am I doing wrong?  This is the problem.  I have no idea.  I can point to little mistakes here and there, but those are just a few little mistakes.  While they add up, they don't add up to this INCREDIBLE number of failures.  I think my losses are something like twice my wins?  It's amazing how terrible I am at this game.

+ 0 LP, Bronze III, 0 LP

Stepping into the arena on my own...

Last game of my Promotion Series.  We'll see how it goes.

3 of the 5 in the lobby are asking to run Jungle.  This doesn't bode well...

Oh well, Summoner 3 on the other team left the queue.  Starting over!

Second lobby failed....

Third lobby a success so far.

I did picks and bans.  I triple checked for Blitzcrank.  I typed the full name out, I typed just a B and checked all the champions available and I left it blank and scrolled.  He wasn't there.  100% certain.

Then he shows up picked second on their team.  My lobby is raging at me.  Now the last pick is fighting with the middle pick over Jungle and so the last pick is claiming "GG" since he didn't get Jungle.  Man...this is always the way it goes isn't it?

Our Team:

Janna Support, Kennen Top, Udyr Jungle, Akali Mid, Graves ADC

Their Team:

Ezreal ADC, Blitzcrank Support, Zed Top, Hecarim Jungle, Ryze Mid

I don't feel good about this.  I think our mid might do okay?  Especially if she gets some good ganks from Udyr.  I'm not sure how Kennen will do against Zed, but I expect him to do well.  So then we just have to see how we do.  Hecarim, I expect, will be coming in for a lot of Blitz Pulls + Ezreal ADC ganks.

Started a little rough.  I face checked a bush I apparently wasn't paying attention enough to and got messed up by Ezreal and Blitz.  I shut down Blitz pretty hard for a while but they eventually nabbed me.

By then though, Graves was fed and Akali was super fed.  And we started to roll face.  Kill, kill, kill, double kill.  We were up 13 to 6 by the 20 minute mark.

We steam rolled.  Akali was super fed, 17/2/5.  1/1/12 for me, 5/1/11 on Graves.  And 0/7/6 on Blitz.

Promoted to Bronze III

Monday, July 15, 2013

We won, in-spite of my best efforts

Our Team:

Shyvana Jungle, Annie Support, Varus ADC, Heimerdinger Mid, Jayce Top

Their Team:

Nidalee Top, Master Yi Jungle, Ezreal ADC, Karma Mid, Soraka Support

I had a terrible lane phase against Karma.  She totally kicked my ass.  I underestimated her at every turn and she just continued to pwn me.

Anyway, Shyvana did a great job, Varus did a great job and they carried the game.  I eventually started to catch up a bit but never got my build back together.

1-1 in Promotion Series

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Pantheon vs Jayce - No question

Our Team:

Shyvana Jungle, Twisted Fate Mid, Tristana ADC, Nunu Support, Pantheon Top

Their Team:

Jayce Top, Nunu Jungle, Annie Mid, Taric Support, Miss Fortune ADC

So I had a tough lane against Jayce.  And I tried too hard, I should have been more passive, wasn't really sure if I could be aggressive or not.  Clearly I couldn't.

Anyway, one thing lead to another and they snowballed us hard.  I did the worst, IMHO, but it's over so that's what matters now.

Pantheon - 3/10/10
Twisted Fate - 9/9/7
Shyvana - 15/8/6
Nunu - 0/6/17
Tristana - 4/9/11

0-1 for my Promotional Series

Dragon vs Jungle Bug. Round 1, Fight!

Our Team:

Shyvana Jungle, Vayne ADC, Lux Mid, Jayce Top, Janna Support

Their Team:

Kha'Zix Jungle, Ezreal ADC, Taric Support, Garen Top, Galio Mid

We rolled so hard.  Frisco carrying out of the Jungle with Shyvana is so OP.

Janna - 0/6/21
Vayne - 11/4/16
Shyvana - 10/4/12
Jayce - 3/4/15
Lux - 16/3/10

Sooooo strong.  Vayne had a bunch of kills and double kills early.  We drove Taric / Ezreal out of lane hard, early and fast.  Shyvana helped roll Bot and Mid and poor Jayce got his ass kicked in Top.  But it didn't matter, he held on and we won =)

Promoted to Promotion Series!

"That's okay, we have Spirit!"

Our Team:

Shyvana Jungle, Vayne ADC, Zed Mid, Teemo Top, Janna Support

Their Team:

Fiora Top, Oriana Mid, Vi Jungle, Caitlyn ADC, Sona Support

Vayne was all about being on the offense.  We got first blood on Sona in minutes and it was all over from there.  I went 0/1/15, I would have liked more Assists but that's the way it goes.

+ 20 LP, Bronze IV, 88 LP

It's Armstrong!

Our Riven from the last game who rolled face is our ADC this game.  Let's hope he's as good in bot lane.

Our Team:

Shyvana Jungle, Udyr Top, Graves ADC, Sona Support, Viktor Mid

Their Team:

Nocturne Jungle, Singed Top, Caitlyn ADC, Ziggs Mid, Ashe Support

I'm a little worried about Zigs range.  I think his abilities give him a pretty good ability to harass from far.  That plus Nocturne's ult makes me think I'm going to spend a lot of time under my tower.

Which I actually didn't.  But we did lose...a long drawn out 43 minute game.  We just got crushed more and more as the game went on.  They put a good fight early and then we just started making more and more mistakes until they just rolled us over.

- 20 Points, Bronze IV, 68 LP

"Sorry, but I'm jungling"

Our Team:

Shyvana Jungle, Riven Top, Yi Mid, Ashe ADC, Janna Support

Their Team:

Xin Zhao Top, Miss Fortune ADC, Nasus Jungle, Nami Support, Kassadin Mid

Shyvana from the jungle, too strong.  Also our Riven and our Yi were fantastic.

Shyvana - 3/0/6
Riven - 9/3/6
Yi -7/3/3

Not to take away from Ashe who was spot on with working around my Tornadoes, putting arrows in the face of everyone who I hit.  Fantastic game =)

+ 27 Points, Bronze IV, 88 LP

Wow...just wow

Our Team:

Sona Support, Lissandra Mid, Rammus Jungle, Riven Top, Draven ADC

Their Team:

Caitlyn ADC, Lux Mid, Nunu Jungle, Taric Support, Darius Top

Frisco and I running bot again.  We haven't been running it a lot recently, but everything else was called right off the bat.  Let's see how we do...

I'm going to blame Rammus and Riven.

Draven: 2/2/1
Lissandra: 2/6/0
Sona: 1/3/1
Riven: 1/7/1
Rammus: 0/5/3

Jesus.  We surrendered at 20.

- 20 LP, Bronze IV, 61 LP

Jungle Shyvana OP

Our Team:

Shyvana Jungle, Ezreal ADC, Nidalee Mid, Garren Top, Janna Support

Their Team:

Ahri Mid, Udyr Jungle, Draven ADC, Leona Support, Renekton Top

Jungle Shyvana steam rolled.  Huzah.  Frisco went 6/1/13 and made it to 18 way before anyone else.

We held our own bot.  Punished Leona a few times and otherwise just stayed out of the way and farmed.  Shyvana helped the rest of the board wipe up and it was GG.

+ 27 Points, Bronze IV, 81 LP

Respect da Math!

Our Team:

Sejuani Jungle, Miss Fortune ADC, Rumble Top, Kassadin Mid, Janna Support

Their Team:

Malphite Jungle, Twisted Fate Support, Kha'Zix Mid, Warwick Top, Caitlyn ADC

Frisco in the Jungle again.

That game was terrible.  We crushed.  Our lanes didn't get so terribly destroyed but it was just, as the game went on, we did wore and worse and worse.  We slowly fell apart.  Kassadin kept going off to wherever, TF was counter warding me hard, MF was always off farming creep....just didn't go well.

- 15 Points, Bronze IV, 54 LP

"Don't you have Leona?"

Our Team:

Sejuani Jungle, Vladimir Top, Caitlyn ADC, Kassadin Mid, Janna Support

Their Team:

Udyr Top, Sona Support, Ezreal ADC, Nautilus Jungle, Talon Mid

Our Caitlyn was a real gem in the lobby channel.  Wanted to go mid but someone else called it so tried to call that it's not who calls it, but it's pick order.  True, but I reminded him that it's nice to have a friendly discussion.  So he changed to ADC and then harassed me about my Janna pick for Support vs Sona.  So we'll see how that turns out.

Frisco in the jungle.

And we lost.  Caitlyn, predictably blamed me for picking Janna.  Because my Janna pick helped Udyr beat Vlad top?  Or Talon beat Kassadin mid?  Anyway....

- 14 Points, Bronze IV, 69 LP

"Now, let's talk about your Viktor itemization.."

Seriously?  I don't have the items memorized =/

Our Team:

Ahri Mid, Riven Top, Udyr Jungle, Nami Support, Caitlyn ADC

Their Team:

Twisted Fate Mid, Malphite Jungle, Aatrox Top, Vayne ADC, Sona Support

My CS sucked, 122 at 29:59.  30 minutes I guess.  Almost everyone else had more CS than I did.  Crappy.

Still, a win is a win.  5/4/8  Riven, Frisco on Ahri and Udyr really carried the game, but I'll take it I guess.

+ 18 Points, Bronze IV, 83 LP

"Hey bros! Plat player streaming some SoloQ! Come join us @"

That's what my ADC said in lobby chat.  We'll see how he pans out.  Frisco on Top Lane, I'm taking Support.

Our Team:

Trundle Top, Nunu Jungle, Kassadin Mid, Vayne ADC, Janna Support

Their Team:

Udyr Jungle, Nidalee Top, Morgana Mid, Varus ADC, Alistar Support

So...that didn't go well.

Varus didn't show in lane for a while.  He must have been D/C or AFK or something.  We pushed Alistar to the tower and held him there for a while, but nothing ever came of it other than some decent CS.  Varus came back into the lane and we saw a lot of Udyr ganks and things got ugly quick.

Vayne started seriously raging out and cursing a lot in the chat.  Kassadin started blaming everyone else.  There was no real team cohesion.

Despite that, we pushed into their base and did well.  Right up until Kassadin blind teleported into a bush and we lost a huge teamfight.  Then it was GG.

0-2 Promotion Series, series lost.  Ah well.  Back to Bronze IV.

Ladies Night!

Our Team:

Sejuani Jungle, Ashe ADC, LeBlanc Mid, Fiora Top, Janna Support

Their Team:

Tristana ADC, Hecarim Jungle, Nami Support, Fizz Mid, Jax Top

I'm a little worried Jax is going to roll our Fiora top lane.  We'll see what happens...  Frisco on Sejuani again.  He's being held to the standard of getting all 5 with a Sejuani initiate.  Anything less will be considered a failure.

First game of my first promotional series.  Excited =)

But I shouldn't have been!  We got hosed.  Fiora fed hard to Jax early, LeBlanc got pretty well kicked in the teeth by Fizz and Nami / Tristana walked all over us bot lane.

I ended 2/4/10.

0/1 in my Promotion Series, Bronze IV

Saturday, July 13, 2013

"She's like the Kate Moss of Ninjas"

I've never paid so much attention to Akali's upper arms before.  So thin!

Our Team:

Sejuani Jungle, Varus ADC, Teemo Top, Jayce Mid, Janna Support

Their Team:

Malphite Jungle, Elise Mid, Darius Top, Vayne ADC, Akali Support

Frisco plugged into the hard line and Varus only D/C'd once.

We lost the laneing phase but totally rolled the team fight phase.  Varus got some farm in, Jayce rolled some faces, Frisco pulled off an amazing 5 man freeze initiation with Sejuani.  We rolled them hard.  I only went 3/3/11 but we got the win and I got promoted to my Promotion Series.  Bronze III here I come!

+ 0 LP, Bronze IV, 100 LP

I decided to play a Solo Queue game..solo

We'll see if this turns out to be a mistake =)

Our Team:

Lux Mid, Janna Support, Ashe ADC, Jax Jungle, Yorick Top

Their Team:

Hecarim Jungle, Ryze Mid, Garen Top, Vayne ADC, Shen Support

My team was...chatty in the lobby.  Which could be worse.  Everyone was pretty polite...just had to get everyone on the same page as far as who was playing what.  Don't want any hurt feelings of "I should have been in this lane!' once the game loads.

We out skin them 3 to 0, so there's that.  Steel Legion Lux, Hextech Janna and Pentakill Yorick.  But I was ranked second in the lobby so...most of my team is even or below my Elo.

Didn't open well.  Ashe's farm isn't great, but part of that is Shen zoning her pretty decently.  Hecarim came down to gank a few times and eventually the whole team came down to gank.  I got blamed for it because I didn't have enough wards down.  Not my fault they expired, Vayne and Shen had us pushed to the tower the whole time and I didn't have a chance to buy more.

But I eventually managed to turn that around once Lux won her lane and started to roam and as Jax made more trips down river to visit us.  Quickly we turned things around and started to really move.

Our Lux was really good.  Yorick was pretty good too and the rest of us just hug on.  I did pretty well, 0/0/22, so that felt good.

+ 25 LP, Bronze IV, 91 LP


Changing my TvT to include a Factory as the second production structure and pushing in Tanks with that free siege mode is really super strong.

Before the Replay:

My opening wasn't the smoothest it could be.  I kept myself from being supply blocked but I wasn't getting things built quite on time.  It wasn't so off that I was too worried though.

I didn't get my aggression on quickly enough, however, so when I did finally push out with what I had, he held it off pretty well.  I did good damage, but also lost quite a few units.  He was already on 2-base and I managed to expand behind.

As I expanded to my third he dropped me and pretty much destroyed my mining SCVs.  I hadn't noticed (good job...) that my Main had mined out.  I sent those to the 3rd, defended the drop and turned to push.  I met his army 1/2 way and destroyed them.  It wasn't close, but he did pretty good damage.  I figured he had more incoming minerals than I did (though I was catching up with my MULES and SCV production..) so I decided to push and stop his mining.  He had a 3rd and 4th, I hit both and contained his army at his 2nd and he GG'd out.

After the Replay:

Despite my opening not feeling very smooth, it was ahead of schedule compared to his.  So that worked out =)

After that though he looks a lot better than me.  He's keeping his money down, he's producing from his structures, he's expanding, getting upgrades.  My money's high, I'm not using all my buildings, I'm just barely getting my 2nd up as his 3rd goes up, his income is shooting past me.  At the 14 minute mark, it seems amazing that I'll win this game.

Oh maybe this is it.  He queued up 1 SCV to build a bunch of Supply Depots.  But he was producing units faster than that SCV could complete the Supply Depots.  So eventually he just kept hitting the supply cap ceiling and just waiting it out, giving me time to catch up.

He still hits 200/200 well before me, as he's doing his drop.  At 20 minutes when our armies move out to meet I'm at 154 supply to his 200 supply.  I have 1 Raven, 58 Marines, 4 Marauders, 4 Tanks, 4 Hellbats, 1 Viking, 2 Thors and 4 Medivacs.  He has 7 Medivacs, 1 Thor, 30 Hellbats, 1 Tank, 18 Marauders and 18 Marines.  So wow...those 2 supply cost Hellbats were really hurting him.  30 Hellbats to my 58 Marines is almost even.

His upgrades were "better".  +3 attack where I had +2 attack, +1 defense.  Maybe not better...maybe that counts as even?  This Thors were 2/2 though, my Tanks and Thors were 1/0 (attack/defense).

At the end of the fight I have 110 supply to his 104.  Jesus.  Hellbats are not a 200/200 composition for TvT I guess?  At least not against my composition.  He has 2 Hellbats left, 4 Marines, 5 Medivacs and 1 almost dead Thor.  I've still got 20 Marines, both Thors, all 4 Tanks, etc, etc....  GG!

+ 26 Points, Silver League, Division Rank 43

Thursday, July 11, 2013

" the team rage!"

Our Team:

Soraka Support, Evelynn Jungle, Katarina Mid, Jax Top, Draven ADC

Their Team:

Nidalee Top, Caitlyn ADC, Udyr Jungle, Karthus Mid, Sona Support

Historically we've lost every game where a win would put me in a promotion series.  Something has always gone horribly wrong.

In this case I was going to go Caitlyn but they took her, so I went Draven.  My plan for the passive is to just farm it up.  No need to be agressive.  Let the mana battery keep my mana up and just farm up the passive.

We'll see how it goes...Frisco says that he likes this team comp of ours, which I'm afraid will be the kiss of death =)

Most of our team was pretty whiney.  Kat saying she couldn't leash for Eve on blue buff because she couldn't miss the first 2 CS.  Then Jax complaining that he didn't get a gank right off the bat.  Then of course my Internet dropped (WTF).  All of these things would be frustrating and unexpected in one game, if it wasn't the game that would have gotten me to my promotion series =)

So I get back in and the game's already fallen apart.  Katarina's constantly saying that we're all awful and she hates us all.

We surrendered at 23.  No surprise.

- 21 Points, Bronze IV, 66 LP

Mid vs Teemo? Ffff.....

Our Team:

Sona Support, Volibear Top, Hecarim Jungle, Varus ADC, Viktor Mid

Their Team:

Draven ADC, Singed Top, Malphite Support, Teemo Mid, Rammus Jungle

Frisco on Sona.  I was going to go ADC but someone else decided they would rather ADC.

Keeping it simple, we rolled face.  8/6/13 with over 600 AP on Viktor.  Hecarim and Volibear really carried the crap out of us.  Felt good after we lost the lane phase.

+ 18 Points, Bronze IV, 87 LP

"Welcome to the League of Draven!"

Our Team:

Thresh Support, Jarvan IV Jungle, Xin Zhao Top, Caitlyn ADC, Twisted Fate Mid

Their Team:

Galio Mid, Draven ADC, Garen Top, Zilean Support, Warwick Jungle

Playing against Draven in our first game on the patch with his new passive.  We'll see if he gets uber fed or is way under powered.

Frisco spent about 1/2 the game D/C'd.  So we didn't fair well without a Support.  Then about the time he got his connection fixed, Jarvan quit.  GG.

- 20 Points, Bronze IV, 69 LP

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

"I don't own Jayce" "Really? It says I can trade champions with you..."

Our Team:

Soraka Support, Master Yi Jungle, Mordekaiser Mid, Caitlyn ADC, Jayce Top

Their Team:

Ezreal ADC, Diana Mid, Lee Sin Jungle, Riven Top, Leona Support

I went Top, Frisco went Support.  Mid and ADC both wanted to go Mid.  I was surprised when the loser decided to go ADC instead, then.

We rolled.  Riven and I traded a bit, coming out roughly even until I started to get my groove on and just rolled her.  Diana mostly replaced her while she fought in other lanes and Yi / Mord helped me push town the tower.

We won at the 30 minute mark.  I went 3/3/7 with 161 CS.

+ 29 Points, Bronze IV, 89 LP

Swain =(

Our Team:

Leona Support, Kha'Zix Top, Fizz Mid, Wukong Jungle, Draven ADC

Their Team:

Swain Mid, Rumble Top, Ashe ADC, Nunu Jungle, Sona Support

Frisco and I bot lane.  Super agressive!

Super fail!  I went 5/9/3 with only 166 CS in 40 minutes.  Their Swain was super fed.  Our team's teamwork totally sucked.

Not that I did well and my team sucked.  I also sucked.  My CS wasn't good, my Draven mechanics were terrible.  Just wasn't good.

-21 LP, Bronze IV, 60 LP

Monday, July 8, 2013

How many times will Frisco D/C?

He D/C'd in the first lobby.  D/C'd just long enough to not Ban anyone in the second lobby.  But we got a game started, at least.

Our Team:

Sejuani Jungle, Kayle Mid, Elise Top, Janna Support, Caitlyn ADC

Their Team:

Tristana ADC, Tryndamere Top, Kennen Support, Malphite Jungle, Ryze Mid

We made Frisco go Jungle.  With his 200-400 ping and crazy amounts of PL.

2 times.  Frisco D/C'd 2 times.  After the second time his ping was notably improved.

We rolled them pretty hard.  I went 4/2/12 with 247 CS, brought down their Nexus in 38 minutes.  Our Kayle really rolled the game for us going 12/2/5 with 243 CS to boot.

Either way, I'll take it!

+ 29 LP, Bronze IV, 81 LP

Another day..

Boy am I a glutton for punishment =)

And finally!  A win I earned!  A match against a fellow Bronze player!  Someone with some manners who GL'd and GG'd.  And a promotion to Silver!

Before the Replay:

ZvT.  I felt like it was safer to build towards an opposing Bio army than Mech.  Only because that's mostly what I've been seeing recently.  Also Banelings hurt Mech pretty well, too.

I scouted a lot and saw him building and starting to move out.  MMM, but moving across the map slowly.  He stopped to kill my creep tumors which was nice.  Gave me plenty of time.  He clearly didn't want to get stuck on creep and surrounded.  Which gave me time to get my units into position to surround him.

The first time I took out his army I made the mistake of trying to counter immediately   Of course the bunker and his units there quickly killed that idea, but at least I didn't go all in.

I threw up a 4th base and just kept building.  I had more money than I could spend.  Threw down a few extra hatcheries and focused on Lings and Banelings with upgrades while teching to Mutas and then Hive.  Once I hit Hive and saw he was sticking with MMM + Tank, I went for Ultras and pushed to win.

I love the Muta / Ling combo.  Hit one place and hit the other.  He can't split his units as well.  He gets flustered.  Worst case scenario the first time, one gets good damage in.  Then in the future if one can't get good damage in, it's because he's split his army up too much and I can expand more, shut out his expansions, starve him out.

Felt good!

After the Replay:

He has his second base down before 6 minutes.  Wow.  I should have made 2 Zerglings early to scout that.  Now I know.

Also he put his 3rd up when I put my 4th up.  Again, didn't realize.  I was bad about putting Overlords around the map to watch those.

After my first split attack that took his 3rd base he was shaken.  He had a bunch of SCVs just sitting in his main not doing anything.  Maybe he thought to push and win?  He pushed pretty hard, took my 4th, but I was able to stop it.

A lot of my play still needs a lot of work.  I should have been spending my money better earlier.  Spending my larva more pro actively.  Keeping my upgrades going a little sharper, getting my expansions earlier.  But not terrible either, a win I can feel good about.

+ 46 Points, Silver League, Division Rank 51

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Never give up, Never surrender

If I keep playing and keep looking at my play analytically, I'm bound to improve.  Right?

Not yet anyway.

Before the Replay:

I think it's telling that I've lost how many games over the past 7 days and my rank hasn't changed.

ZvZ.  Followed my planned strategy, 1-base Roach.  I did it, didn't get rushed, felt I could expand and tech.  So I did.  Went Muta.  Got Muats.  Got rolled by a crap ton of Roaches.  Turns out 25+ Roaches are greater than a handful of Roaches, Zerglings, Queens and Mutas.  Good to know.

Also, no ranking but a bunch of 1v1s in his match history recently.  Is this from the unranked play?  He was Platinum in 1v1 last season.

No GL HF or anything either.  Happening more and more.

After the Replay:

My money's high.  I have plenty of larva and available supply.  What am I doing?

No idea.  Just sitting there making mistakes.  Not producing when I should be.  I don't know why.  I could be.  I should be.  If I can't make the unti I want, make drones!  Jesus I'm terrible.

- 0 Points, Bronze League, Division Rank 32

I can't win a single f'ing game...=/

I don't know what to do.  I can't figure out how to win a single game.

In my defense, I almost never play other bronze leaguers.  In their defense, when I do they still kick my ass.  How bad am I?  When did I get this bad?  When did it happen that I actually can't win any games at all?  At the bottom of the Bronze League I can't get close to a 50% win ratio.

Like quite a few of the other players I've faced, he shows in his profile and badge as being Platinum, but not in the score screen.  Bug?

Also like quite a few other players I've hit on the ladder, I didn't get a GL or HF or anything out of him.  More and more I'm seeing that.  I guess the friendly players have moved on to other games?  The ladder just isn't as much fun for me in HoTS and I don't know if that's because I don't have as much time to play or I just don't know how to play or if something else is really going on in the Community.

Before the Replay:

PvT.  I scouted his heavy Marine / Marauder 1 base push early and was ready for it.  I defended pretty well and put up some counter pressure.

I kept to my "expand to 3 bases by X time" but I failed to continue to Macro well.  He did a *huge* drop on my Mineral line and I held it off, but was hurt and didn't rebuild quickly.  I started to tech but I was feeling anxious that he had a huge lead on me.  I threw DT's into his expansions and base and slowed him a bit, but not enough  He had all his mining centralized pretty tightly despite the attempts to expand.

He threw another huge MMM force at me and I thought I was defending it well but suddenly I had *no* army.  He just ripped them to shreds despite my better upgrades.  I hate Robo tech.  I just hate it.  I have to find another way to win.

After the Replay:

I was supply blocked a lot.  I'm so bad at building Pylons.  Why?

I was right that he had a huge advantage after I destroyed his first MMM group that landed on my mineral line.  His supply was 20 higher and though I had twice the working worker count, MULEs gave him a higher actual income.

However I had a huge advantage after my DT attacks.  I had 71 harvesters to his 17.  I had a huge amount of cash and I just wasn't spending it.  I should have had more Gateways down and should have been Chrono Boosting them.  Jesus that's where I lost the game right there, the biggest single blunder where I could have won easily.

That being said, it's worth noting that we actually had a similar food count.  159 to 168.  Just that his was almost all Army and mine was 1/2 Income.

Damn, I should have been able to win that.  Even when I GG'd he had nothing behind it.  If I'd started properly macroing then...

I had almost 4k in Minerals in the bank.  Didn't even notice.  I am so so so awful at this game.

- 0 Points, Bronze League, Division Rank 32

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Autowin =/

How come every time I'm feeling good about a game, the opponent drops?

Before the Replay:

ZvP.  I was a little nervous, but figured I could get away with a 15 pool.  I got my Overlord in for a scout and though I lost him, I got good info on what was coming.  I got my Zerglings in for a scout, saw the expand.  I got my macro hatch up and was teching.  I was scouting the area around me for Proxy Pylons and Observers.  I was trying to decide to expand or poke when he dropped.

After the Replay:

He was planning a Proxy Pylon but I found the Probe and destroyed it before that 4 minute mark.  Didn't even realize!  After that he changed directions and went double Stargate before leaving the match.

Sadly, the only 2 wins I've mustered at the bottom of the bottom league were both to people who left or disconnected from the game.

+ 48 Points, Bronze League, Division Rank 34

How does he have so much stuff?

I got my ass kicked.  I don't understand how he macro'd so much harder than I did.  I was constantly out of money, constantly making drones and he was just outstripping me in units.  On the score screen my average unspent minerals is lower than his and my time spent supply capped was 14 seconds compared to his 2:56.  I also created 2 less workers than he did.  WTF...

Before the Replay:

ZvZ.  I remembered my plan this time, one-base Roach.  It was a big map so I decided I could do a 16 pool.  I scouted as my pool was going down and he appeared to be on 1 base, with a gas up already and he was just putting his pool down, about a minute after mine.  I felt this gave me an opportunity to expand.

So I expanded, got my Roach Warren up and he wasn't going anywhere so I felt like I had time to get my Spire up.  Lair finished, I threw down a Spire and got my guisers going.  As my Mutas were getting ready I threw down a 3rd base and then he flew in with more Mutas than I had.  And he had a second base going and he had a crap ton of Zerglings on top of more Mutas.  Whereas I was broke and had almost no Zerglings.  GG

After the Replay:

On the graphs I show a significant drop off in my active workers around 270, like I lost a bunch?  So I'm going to be paying attention to what happens around 4-5 minutes.

At the 4 minute mark I throw down my Roach Warren and drop from 14 to 13 workers.  This is a low number, he has 17 already.  How?  He has 1 less building, I have a hatch over him.  We have the same number of Overlords.  I've created a round of Zerglings and a Queen.  But I have 3 Larva, I could have 2 workers in production with my 115 minerals.  By the 5 minute mark I get it going but he's already had a full minute of a strong advantage in mineral production.

At the 10 minute mark he has 57 supply to my 53 supply.  He's got his Spire up with 4 Mutas out.  I've got my Spire but no Mutas yet, I can't quite afford them.  I have 15 larva and nothing to spend them on.  I have 4 queens to his 3, 30 drones to his 28, 3 Zerglings to his 26.  My income is higher in minerals and lower in gas.  How has he outstripped me so much?  That 1 minute of mining advantage can't have made that difference?

I don't get it.  I've watched it a few times now.

At 11:21 our incomes are almost identical.  We each have 33 harvesters.  We're each pulling in 860 minerals.  Somehow I'm pulling in 480 gas to his 464.

On the Spending Tab I've outspent him on Economy 4250 to his 3950.  That's the 300 for my 3rd Hatch.  He's outspent me 1800 to 1600 on Tech.  That's his 3 Spore Crawlers and his Evo chamber to my Infestation Pit.  I've outspent him on Army, 3100 to 2700.  I have 3 Zerglings, 1 Roach, 8 Mutas and 4 Queens.  He has 26 Zerglings, 8 Mutas and 3 Queens.  He's lost 2 Zerglings, I've lost 2 Roaches (my 1 Zergling loss doesn't show).

Queens are 150?  2 Roaches are 150?  So if we had the same sized army, I should be ahead by 300.  I'm ahead by 400 and he has a larger army.  His standing army is 600 for the Zerlings, 800 for the Mutas and 450 for the Queens.  That's 1850.  My standing army is 100 for the Zerlings, 75 for the Roach, 800 for the Mutas and 600 for the Queens, 1575.

How is he so far ahead?  That's a standing army difference of my 3rd hatch in cost.  I guess I got too greedy.

- 0 Points, Bronze League, Division Rank 47

Monday, July 1, 2013

"What're the odds they'll pick Draven?"

Actually surprisingly low.

Our Team:

Thresh Support, Jax Top, Katarina Mid, Udyr Jungle, Draven ADC

Their Team:

Kassadin Mid, Nunu Jungle, Vayne ADC, Yorick Top, Lulu Support

Back to our normal bot lane duo, me on ADC and Frisco on Support.

This one didn't go any better.  Our Jax kept blaming the rest of the team, our Udyr kept wandering off when it was time for team fights and Frisco and I would get jumped on in bad situations or making our own bad calls.

All in all, not great.

- 20 Points, Bronze IV, 52 LP