Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How does he have so much stuff?

I got my ass kicked.  I don't understand how he macro'd so much harder than I did.  I was constantly out of money, constantly making drones and he was just outstripping me in units.  On the score screen my average unspent minerals is lower than his and my time spent supply capped was 14 seconds compared to his 2:56.  I also created 2 less workers than he did.  WTF...

Before the Replay:

ZvZ.  I remembered my plan this time, one-base Roach.  It was a big map so I decided I could do a 16 pool.  I scouted as my pool was going down and he appeared to be on 1 base, with a gas up already and he was just putting his pool down, about a minute after mine.  I felt this gave me an opportunity to expand.

So I expanded, got my Roach Warren up and he wasn't going anywhere so I felt like I had time to get my Spire up.  Lair finished, I threw down a Spire and got my guisers going.  As my Mutas were getting ready I threw down a 3rd base and then he flew in with more Mutas than I had.  And he had a second base going and he had a crap ton of Zerglings on top of more Mutas.  Whereas I was broke and had almost no Zerglings.  GG

After the Replay:

On the graphs I show a significant drop off in my active workers around 270, like I lost a bunch?  So I'm going to be paying attention to what happens around 4-5 minutes.

At the 4 minute mark I throw down my Roach Warren and drop from 14 to 13 workers.  This is a low number, he has 17 already.  How?  He has 1 less building, I have a hatch over him.  We have the same number of Overlords.  I've created a round of Zerglings and a Queen.  But I have 3 Larva, I could have 2 workers in production with my 115 minerals.  By the 5 minute mark I get it going but he's already had a full minute of a strong advantage in mineral production.

At the 10 minute mark he has 57 supply to my 53 supply.  He's got his Spire up with 4 Mutas out.  I've got my Spire but no Mutas yet, I can't quite afford them.  I have 15 larva and nothing to spend them on.  I have 4 queens to his 3, 30 drones to his 28, 3 Zerglings to his 26.  My income is higher in minerals and lower in gas.  How has he outstripped me so much?  That 1 minute of mining advantage can't have made that difference?

I don't get it.  I've watched it a few times now.

At 11:21 our incomes are almost identical.  We each have 33 harvesters.  We're each pulling in 860 minerals.  Somehow I'm pulling in 480 gas to his 464.

On the Spending Tab I've outspent him on Economy 4250 to his 3950.  That's the 300 for my 3rd Hatch.  He's outspent me 1800 to 1600 on Tech.  That's his 3 Spore Crawlers and his Evo chamber to my Infestation Pit.  I've outspent him on Army, 3100 to 2700.  I have 3 Zerglings, 1 Roach, 8 Mutas and 4 Queens.  He has 26 Zerglings, 8 Mutas and 3 Queens.  He's lost 2 Zerglings, I've lost 2 Roaches (my 1 Zergling loss doesn't show).

Queens are 150?  2 Roaches are 150?  So if we had the same sized army, I should be ahead by 300.  I'm ahead by 400 and he has a larger army.  His standing army is 600 for the Zerlings, 800 for the Mutas and 450 for the Queens.  That's 1850.  My standing army is 100 for the Zerlings, 75 for the Roach, 800 for the Mutas and 600 for the Queens, 1575.

How is he so far ahead?  That's a standing army difference of my 3rd hatch in cost.  I guess I got too greedy.

- 0 Points, Bronze League, Division Rank 47

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