Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I don't know why I even bother to load the client

Our Team:

Support Lux, Anivia Mid, Trundle Jungle, Caitlyn ADC, Nasus Top

Their Team:

Hecarim Top, Sejuani Jungle, Taric Support, Quinn ADC, Fiddlesticks Mid

What a terrible game.  We got absolutley ripped apart while Quinn got super fed.

I'm not even 100% how she got fed.  She kept over committing to fights and dieing to me in early game.  But she still got Lux most of the time, even though I got her.

Nasus sat in his top lane and fed, which is what Nasus does.  Or tried to do, he didn't do a good job.  Trundle didn't really gank for him, I'm not sure what Trundle did other than get out of position a lot.

Once it started to be an open field game, Quinn took off like a rocket and fed like crazy.  We all just bent over and took it.

Awful awful game.

Loss, - 14 Points, Bronze IV, 16 LP

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

First game with Champion Mastery...

We'll see if it's a compelling system at all.

Our Team:

Zed Mid, Thresh Support, Caitlyn ADC, Cho'Gath Jungle, Xin Zhao Top

Their Team:

Tristana ADC, Jayce Mid, Volibear Jungle, Braum Support, Vladimir Top

Zed got Fed.

29/4/9 Fed.  And that was the game.

I got "Grade A" which makes me feel good I think?  +1375 points or something.

Anyway, Zed Fed and Carried.  That's all there is.

Win, + 26 LP, Bronze IV 30 LP

Monday, May 4, 2015

Very minimal pre-game chat speak

Usually implies our team will implode if anything goes wrong.  May still here, but I think it's also because I believe our Top and Jungle are duo-queued.

Ahh and the first talk out of our ADC in pre-game is complaining.  Complaining about bans they didn't speak up on, complaining about other things. at least I know what to expect!

Our Team:

Fiora Jungle, Volibear Mid, Miss Fortune ADC, Braum Support, Kassadin Mid

Their Team:

Katarina Mid, Vayne ADC, Xin Zhao Jungle, Sona Support, Rumble Top

The only person who took Teleport is MF, our ADC.  That should be interesting.

I muted her at the 17 minute mark.  Fiora not long after when she said that we couldn't win with ADC Trash on our team and that MF was Trash.

And it pretty much went from there.  MF couldn't seal the deal in fights, Fiora didn't seem interested in committing to fights.  Volibear and Kassadin couldn't carry the rest of us.  All in all, bad things.

Loss, - 13 LP, Bronze IV 4 LP


Sunday, April 5, 2015

I don't ADC ranked very often...

It's weird to lane with the support and not be the support.

Our Team:

Caitlyn ADC, Kha'Zix Top, Rammus Jungle, Cho'Gath Mid, Morgana Support

Their Team:

Vladimir Top, Sona Support, Ahri Mid, Lee Sin Jungle, Ashe ADC

What a terrible experience.  Firstly I started out badly struggling with my CS mechanics a little.  It often takes me a few to get my feet under me when CS'ing.  Then their Sona was SUPER HYPER aggressive.  It was terrible.  Morgana didn't seem to be paying attention at all and it went touch and go but I managed to pick up first blood once she engaged and I was hopeful.

Hopeful for no reason.  The top and jungle were losing it hard and Sona / Ashe came back hard to punish us for first blood.

Pretty soon Morgana got fed up and quit.  Rammus and Kha'Zix kept bickering in chat and getting super negative.

The whole experience was awful and exactly what I expect from Bronze...

Loss, - 13 LP, Bronze IV, 17 LP

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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Last 2, happy to fill

I mean the last 2 picks on our team should be happy to fill anyway, but it's nice when it just works out that way.

Our Team:

Caitlyn ADC, Vi Jungle, Lissandra Mid, Braum Support, Ryze Top

Their Team:

Akali Mid, Sion Top, Poppy Support, Vayne ADC, Rek'Sai Jungle

We should not have won that game.

Caitlyn was struggling with CS out of the gate.  She was missing them left and right.

But we still were winning our lane.  Barely but we were.  Why?

Because Poppy never joined.

I couldn't get her to zone out Vayne and freeze the lane.  She only understood pushing the CS under the tower.  So Vayne happily sat under her tower getting XP and picking up almost as much CS as Caitlyn, but out leveling us with solo lane XP.

The rest of the team was seemingly as awful it felt.  Vi was not bad but it was hard to tell if she was good or just riding a good champion.  But she wasn't bad, either way.

And every time we'd do 1 thing right, like win a fight, we'd do 2 things wrong like give up Dragon and a tower.

Yet it was still a win.

Win, + 25 Points, Bronze IV, 30 LP

Friday, March 27, 2015

JIV Top again...

Let's see if it generates another win.

Our Team:

Jarvan IV Top, Zyra Mid, Janna Support, Rek'Sai Jungle, Caitlyn ADC

Their Team:

Vi Jungle, Annie Support, Malzahar Mid, Mordekaiser Top, Lucian ADC

Well I got First Blooded at level 2 by Mordekaiser.  So that's a terrible start...

And it all went downhill from there.  I had to Mute Zyra for being a terrible person.  I lost my lane hard to Mordekaiser.  I don't feel like I fed, I had some good ganks and some decent ganks from Rek'Sai and one decent gank from Zyra, but for the most part I learned how to deal with him, keep my distance, close when his CDs were up, keep his shield stripped, etc.  But still...didn't go well.

Anyway, we lost.  Every aspect of the game...Mid and Bot went first, then eventually top.  They took the Dragons and Baron and just burned us down.

- 15, Bronze IV, 5 LP

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Home sick...

But I can't sleep.  So let's play some LoL...

Our Team:

Jarvan IV Top, Zyra Mid, Warwick Jungle, Vayne ADC, Amumu Support

Their Team:

Lucian ADC, Shaco Jungle, Morgana Support, Gnar Top, Yasuo Mid

Game went well.  Bot lane started slow, they got first blood but then gave away a bunch of kills as Shaco camped them hard.  I did okay against Gnar, my first time really laneing against him, but I eventually figured it out.  WW came up to help me out a few times.

At the end we struggled to work together, everyone was off taking their own objectives and making bad decisions.  But we did eventually get there and pull it together for a win.

Win, + 19 Points, Bronze IV 19 LP

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