Monday, May 4, 2015

Very minimal pre-game chat speak

Usually implies our team will implode if anything goes wrong.  May still here, but I think it's also because I believe our Top and Jungle are duo-queued.

Ahh and the first talk out of our ADC in pre-game is complaining.  Complaining about bans they didn't speak up on, complaining about other things. at least I know what to expect!

Our Team:

Fiora Jungle, Volibear Mid, Miss Fortune ADC, Braum Support, Kassadin Mid

Their Team:

Katarina Mid, Vayne ADC, Xin Zhao Jungle, Sona Support, Rumble Top

The only person who took Teleport is MF, our ADC.  That should be interesting.

I muted her at the 17 minute mark.  Fiora not long after when she said that we couldn't win with ADC Trash on our team and that MF was Trash.

And it pretty much went from there.  MF couldn't seal the deal in fights, Fiora didn't seem interested in committing to fights.  Volibear and Kassadin couldn't carry the rest of us.  All in all, bad things.

Loss, - 13 LP, Bronze IV 4 LP


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