Saturday, July 13, 2013

I decided to play a Solo Queue game..solo

We'll see if this turns out to be a mistake =)

Our Team:

Lux Mid, Janna Support, Ashe ADC, Jax Jungle, Yorick Top

Their Team:

Hecarim Jungle, Ryze Mid, Garen Top, Vayne ADC, Shen Support

My team was...chatty in the lobby.  Which could be worse.  Everyone was pretty polite...just had to get everyone on the same page as far as who was playing what.  Don't want any hurt feelings of "I should have been in this lane!' once the game loads.

We out skin them 3 to 0, so there's that.  Steel Legion Lux, Hextech Janna and Pentakill Yorick.  But I was ranked second in the lobby so...most of my team is even or below my Elo.

Didn't open well.  Ashe's farm isn't great, but part of that is Shen zoning her pretty decently.  Hecarim came down to gank a few times and eventually the whole team came down to gank.  I got blamed for it because I didn't have enough wards down.  Not my fault they expired, Vayne and Shen had us pushed to the tower the whole time and I didn't have a chance to buy more.

But I eventually managed to turn that around once Lux won her lane and started to roam and as Jax made more trips down river to visit us.  Quickly we turned things around and started to really move.

Our Lux was really good.  Yorick was pretty good too and the rest of us just hug on.  I did pretty well, 0/0/22, so that felt good.

+ 25 LP, Bronze IV, 91 LP

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