Saturday, July 13, 2013


Changing my TvT to include a Factory as the second production structure and pushing in Tanks with that free siege mode is really super strong.

Before the Replay:

My opening wasn't the smoothest it could be.  I kept myself from being supply blocked but I wasn't getting things built quite on time.  It wasn't so off that I was too worried though.

I didn't get my aggression on quickly enough, however, so when I did finally push out with what I had, he held it off pretty well.  I did good damage, but also lost quite a few units.  He was already on 2-base and I managed to expand behind.

As I expanded to my third he dropped me and pretty much destroyed my mining SCVs.  I hadn't noticed (good job...) that my Main had mined out.  I sent those to the 3rd, defended the drop and turned to push.  I met his army 1/2 way and destroyed them.  It wasn't close, but he did pretty good damage.  I figured he had more incoming minerals than I did (though I was catching up with my MULES and SCV production..) so I decided to push and stop his mining.  He had a 3rd and 4th, I hit both and contained his army at his 2nd and he GG'd out.

After the Replay:

Despite my opening not feeling very smooth, it was ahead of schedule compared to his.  So that worked out =)

After that though he looks a lot better than me.  He's keeping his money down, he's producing from his structures, he's expanding, getting upgrades.  My money's high, I'm not using all my buildings, I'm just barely getting my 2nd up as his 3rd goes up, his income is shooting past me.  At the 14 minute mark, it seems amazing that I'll win this game.

Oh maybe this is it.  He queued up 1 SCV to build a bunch of Supply Depots.  But he was producing units faster than that SCV could complete the Supply Depots.  So eventually he just kept hitting the supply cap ceiling and just waiting it out, giving me time to catch up.

He still hits 200/200 well before me, as he's doing his drop.  At 20 minutes when our armies move out to meet I'm at 154 supply to his 200 supply.  I have 1 Raven, 58 Marines, 4 Marauders, 4 Tanks, 4 Hellbats, 1 Viking, 2 Thors and 4 Medivacs.  He has 7 Medivacs, 1 Thor, 30 Hellbats, 1 Tank, 18 Marauders and 18 Marines.  So wow...those 2 supply cost Hellbats were really hurting him.  30 Hellbats to my 58 Marines is almost even.

His upgrades were "better".  +3 attack where I had +2 attack, +1 defense.  Maybe not better...maybe that counts as even?  This Thors were 2/2 though, my Tanks and Thors were 1/0 (attack/defense).

At the end of the fight I have 110 supply to his 104.  Jesus.  Hellbats are not a 200/200 composition for TvT I guess?  At least not against my composition.  He has 2 Hellbats left, 4 Marines, 5 Medivacs and 1 almost dead Thor.  I've still got 20 Marines, both Thors, all 4 Tanks, etc, etc....  GG!

+ 26 Points, Silver League, Division Rank 43

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