Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Caitlyn win's lanes, not games

Really she doesn't even always win lanes.  But we'll see...

I'm first pick / banner for our team which bodes well for my second promotional series game...

Our Team:

Caitlyn ADC, Darius Top, Udyr Jungle, Rammus Support, Orianna Mid

Their Team:

Lissandra Mid, Warwick Jungle, Tryndamere Top, Jinx ADC, Blitzcrank Support

In this case, Caitlyn doesn't win anything when Darius doesn't bother to show up.

Darius apparently never loaded.  He eventually joined the game at 21 minutes claiming his internet died.  Probably did, no reason to doubt him, his loading screen paused at 15%.

Rammus went top.  I accidentally approved this, thinking I was approving Udyr going top and not reading closely enough.

Rammus picks up a few good kills top while losing the tower, meanwhile I'm getting raped in bot lane.  Jinx and Blitz have me completely zoned out but at least I'm not giving up kills.  At first.  Eventually it happens.  They push to the tower and just start diving me.  When that's not working well enough Lissandra and WW come down and invade and the 4 of them start diving me.  Pretty soon I can't leave the base without getting ganked by their whole team.  My choices are to sit at base or die.

Amazingly, Udyr and Rammus are meanwhile getting crazy fed.  By the time Darius comes back, we've already turned the game around.  It's not long after this that we start to be able to push, driving the enemy team out of every team fight and eventually win the game.

Series 2 for 2, Promoted to Bronze IV

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