Wednesday, February 4, 2015 problems

Pre game chat problems.  We had a lot of trouble deciding who was going to take what lane in the pre game lobby.  That never gives me warm fuzzies about a game.

Our Team:

Talon Mid, Braum Support, Caitlyn ADC, Wukong Top, Nunu Jungle

Their Team:

Kha'Zix Jungle, Yasuo Mid, Taric Support, Maokai Top, Ezreal ADC

Right off the bat the team seems to insist on invading their blue and it's a disaster.  We walk away giving them 3 kills and we only pick up 1.

So we start off way behind but Wukong gets fed like crazy.  He's running around the map picking up more and more kills but it's not enough.  Nunu and Talon are wild cards.  They want to run off and do Baron when the whole enemy team is up.  They want to split push when we need all 5 pushing down the center and they want to lane when the enemy is in our base killing our nexus turrets.

At first Wukong is resistant to their terrible ideas as well.  The two of us talk them out of a bad Baron.  But eventually they wear him down and myself as well as I don't bother to do much more than point out that their whole team is up and MIA.  I join them for a second, terrible Baron idea and we get stomped hard.

At 36 minutes when Nunu suddenly leaves the game we learn that they're duo quing together, so I guess there shouldn't be any surprise there.  He never makes it back to the game.

I had an awful game, I couldn't get any gold....Caitlyn and I were starved out of the bot lane.  Ezreal and Taric weren't that super aggressive but they were keeping us pushed enough.  Wukong ended 20/7/9, but 1 champion isn't enough to carry us all.

Placement Match 7: Loss

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