Sunday, February 8, 2015

I have a good feeling?

At least the pre-game chat was positive.

Our Team:

Braum Support, Lux Mid, Nasus Top, Vi Jungle, Varus ADC

Their Team:

Teemo Mid, Darius Top, Katarina ?, Lucian ?, Leona Support

So it's not clear right off the bat who's playing once.  Darius, Teemo and Kat all have Flash / Ignite.  Lucian has Flash / Smite.  If it's Lucian jungle - I've never seen that before and I don't know how I feel about it.  If anyone else is jungle, I feel good he doesn't have Smite?

If Lucian is jungle - then Teemo / Leona bot?  I have no idea what that'll feel like...

So....Kat and Teemo both start mid for the first minion wave, then Kat goes bot and joins Lucian and Leona until about level 3, when Lucian left to go jungle.

The game fell apart from there.

Vi came up to gank mid, but then didn't move in with Lux because "she might die".

Everytime anyone missed an attack or an ult or died Vi chimed in to tell them they were bad and they should feel bad and other negative things.  I eventually asked her politely to shut up, she claimed to be helping and I muted her.

Vi and Nasus fed the crap out of Darius top.  Lux fed Teemo mid and Varus and I held our own for a little while bot until things fella part.

Teemo went crazy heavy AP (asp to be expected) and was picking up kills left and right with his shrooms.

Our Varus was actually pretty good and made a decent showing.

Our Vi did terrible, continuing to feed and, apparently, degrade the team.  I couldn't hear her comments of course, but our team's reaction to things I couldn't see being said seemed pretty straight forward.  She ended 4/12/3.

I died quite a bit, of course.  I would initiate and try to back out, but soaking a lot of damage for the team while they initiated.  I also made a few bad calls trying to make or prevent something from happening, where I might normally have not tried it but it was going so bad that I just made a bad call and ran with it.

At the end, 40 minutes in, we lost with 17 kills to 38 kills.

9th Placement Match - Loss

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