Monday, June 10, 2013

"Did you catch that sweet Lulu ult from last game? Huh huh huh?"

Yes.  It was fantastic =)

Our Team:

Taric Support, Gangplank Top, LeBlanc Mid, Diana Jungle, Caitlyn ADC

Their Team:

Kha'Zix Mid, Leona Support, Jayce Top, Hecarim Jungle, Ezreal ADC

Frisco support, yet again.

I don't feel good about LeBlanc Mid.  I mean she does great DPS and slaughters people early game.  But I feel like if she doesn't carry hard, she just falls off.  I guess we'll see what happens 

Ezreal / Leona should prove...challenging.  Maybe we can just bait them into bad decisions.

Early on we weren't doing bad...we just weren't doing good.  At best we were holding even with them, but they were gaining on towers.

We eventually got around to getting good at "winning" team fights but it was too little too late.  We'd clean up with 4 kills or an ACE but wouldn't be in a position to capitalize on it.  Mostly we were just killing creeps.

I kept getting chased out of team fights.  If I could stay in the team fight it was no problem, we'd win.  If I got chased out, we'd lose.  The team would focus Kha'Zix and Hecarim would jump the line and chase me out.  This is my biggest problem as ADC.  What do I do in this situation?  I don't know.  I don't have an answer.  But every time I play ADC against a team who focuses me, I get blamed for making the wrong decision with no offer of help or advice, because I got blown up.

- 16 Points, Bronze League IV Division Rank 12, 68 LP

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