Thursday, October 3, 2013

Promotion Series - Game 2

Our Team:

Fiddlesticks Jungle, Viktor Mid, Darius Top, Ashe ADC, Lux Support

Their Team:

Annie Mid, Janna Support, Miss Fortune ADC, Jax Jungle, Fiora Top

So, interesting lobby.  I was going to go Janna support, I was second pick on my team, but the other team took her on their first round of picking.  They also took Annie mid so I thought "hey, I bet I can Viktor vs that."  Let's find out!

No one other tahn Ashe and I had even moved or bought items when the minons spawned.  Not a good start.

By the time Fiddles was 4 and Darius was 5 I was 7.

Fiddles fed the enemy team hard.  By 25 minutes he was 0/7/1.  He and Ashe were both feeding Jax, though Ashe was getting reasonbly fed off others.

By 26 minutes they surpassed us in kills, 25 to our 23.  Fiddles was 0/8/1.  I died twice in 2 minutes to go to 5/2/3.

By this point Miss Fortune was crazy fed and just destroying everyone with her ult.

Ashe, 7/8/11 and Fiddles 0/10/2 at the 30 minute mark.  Starting to lose badly.  No vision on the map.

I'm 7/3/8 at 34 minutes.  0/13/3 for Fiddles.  He's level 13.

At 42 minutes we had almost no towers or inhibitors left, including the nexus towers.  It was 47 to 49 kills in their favor and they had Baron.  Fiddles was 0/15/6 at level 16.

We finally lost at the 47 minute mark.

Final scores all around feel justified in this game:

Viktor - 7/5/15 - 185 CS
Darius - 17/10/7 - 192 CS
Fiddlesticks - 0/17/6 - 163 CS
Ashe - 16/11/20 - 235 CS
Lux - 10/11/18 - 99 CS

Miss Fortune - 17/9/6 - 186 CS
Janna - 0/9/15 - 27 CS
Annie - 5/10/5 - 216 CS
Jax - 16/11/10 - 145 CS
Fiora - 16/11/5 - 216 CS

Our Fiddlesticks situation was incredibly frustrating.  Ashe was a bit frustrating too, she would fire her arrow off as a great initiate right *before* everyone was close enough to actually initiate, so we'd get into the fight just after they were done being stunned.

Fiora was constantly split pushing and we couldn't keep track of her.  Darius lost his lane huge but made it up in kills during the team fight mode.

Lux was pretty decent but wasn't really playing support, she was playing AP Lux and so we had almost no ward coverage but what she and I occasionally placed.

My CS fell off big time after I won my lane.  I just couldn't find any safe CS.  Ashe would constantly bitch anytime others killed creeps in a lane.  Fiddles went to an abandon bot lane to farm CS around 25 minutes and Ashe yelled and spam pinged at him for "taking her CS".

Awful game.  But hey, I lead the game for Magic Damage dealt to Champions and I got an Honorable Opponent, so that's something...

Promotion Series Lost

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