Sunday, February 20, 2011

Even when I know it's coming...

I rolled Zerg vs Terran on Scrap Station.  I got utterly rolled by this Terran.  He went with a double reactor fast banshee play.  I saw it coming...and just failed.  I didn't have any detection so I threw down a spore colony or two before they got to my base.  They still did damage.

Once he started hitting me, the hits never stopped.  He one-based the whole thing, my army of zerglings outside his ramp did no good.

My plan was to go muta / zergling.  I did an early expand and was trying to tech quickly to the mutas but...I don't know.  I don't know where I went wrong.  His banshees just ripped me apart and I couldn't get enough of anything going to stop them.

Once my mutas finally got up (the spire had only just started when the banshees showed up) he rolled in with marines and marauders.

I brought the lings back and cleaned up, but it was a pain.  I couldn't morph overseers because my gas had been spent on my first batch of mutas and I couldn't spawn queens because he'd destroyed my spawning pool.

I had my early expand keeping me in the money so I could keep fighting him off.  But he had a huge upper hand.  I needed banelings to better hold off the marines that were coming in waves, but I couldn't get them without sacrificing my queens or my mutas when I also needed at this point.

One thing I failed to do was spend my money.  My queens were dead so I wasn't getting any larva injections so my money was stock piling.  I finally realized and threw down an extra hatch, but it was too little too late.  I needed 3 extra hatches, and more room to place them in.

I guess maybe that's the solution to try.  Don't worry about banelings, next time I see this kind of continued banshee harassment do my best to hold while keeping drones and protecting the key structures as best I can.  When my money gets high, I need to be aware right away so I can start throwing down extra hatches to keep my production up so that when I wipe his army (as happened a few times) I'm not left in a worse position than him.

-11 Points, Silver League Division Rank 6

1 comment:

  1. I've come back to this game in my head a few times.

    I made a lot of mistakes that I can really nitpick at, sure. But ultimately I think I'm trying too hard, trying to look for too many things. My big advantage was that my economy was stronger. I early expanded and had both reasonably well saturated.

    I need to be better at checking my macro when defending my base. If I had noticed sooner that my money was stockpiling and that I was running low on larva, I could have built hatcheries sooner and kept my larva high *enough*.

    Gotta practice that. Micro's important, but if I'm not keeping up with my macro I'll just lose anyway.
