Tuesday, June 14, 2011


This was a TvT and it was unique in that someone did my similar 3 'Rax opening against me.  He got a quick 3 Barracks built, faster than mine in fact, and quickly pumped out a bunch of Marines and sent them in at me.

The difference was, in order to get that extra speed and agression he had to sacrifice both economy and tech.  His Orbital went down later, after my natural expansion was up, and while he had a factory up before me, I had upgraded Marines before him and my Factory / Starport quick caught up.

Also, not to take away from the success of his early agression, I screwed up my defense by putting my Bunker in a bad spot and poorly controlling my Marines.  POORLY.  Anywho...

Once I killed the reinforcements to his push, he didn't seem to know what to do.  His production ceased altogether for a moment, where I can just see him thinking "okay...well what do I do now?"

He expanded to his natural and put down a second Factory and a Starport.  Unfortunately I'd already really won.  +1 weapons was in for my Barracks units, my siege tanks were on their way and my production capacity was getting caught up with my economy which had grown while I was busy defending the base (something I need to get better on not letting slip, btw).

Once he got busy trying to do a Siege Tank push on my base he didn't keep up with the rest of his base.  Before I crushed that push, my supply count was already higher.  Once I did it I knew I was pretty much free to do as I wanted.  I started further upgrades and tech towards BCs, expanded two more times and started the one and only push I ended up needing.

Lesson Learned - There was a lesson here.  I didn't macro well enough.  My economy was good but...I was mining much more than I was spending most of the time.  I need to do better at recognizing when those Barracks need to go up when the money starts to get there, not when it's already past.  Part of that is just memorization I think, but part is also just knowing when I have this many SCVs on this many bases I can afford that many Barracks.

Either way, my 3 Barracks opening continues to pay dividends.  The TvTs in Gold have been more challenging, but it continues to be my best match.

+ 24 Points, Gold League Division Rank 32, Remaining Bonus Pool 185


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