Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Well that was straight forward...?

My first time playing on Entombed Valley..not that I saw any of it.

ZvZ, we spawned in cross positions.  He did a 14 pool and I did a 14 hatch.  It seemed like a big map, I figured ZvZ (I was Random and he wasn't) I had time to choose my opening unless he 6 pooled.  And even then I could probably hold it off.

He went hatch after pool and then tried to put a Spine Crawler in my base which I stopped, so he did it again and I stopped it again.  While he was busy with that, though, I built Zerglings and ran at his base to discover he was going Baneling.

Which I suppose I should have expected, I know it's what I used to see all the time in ZvZ.  And here's where it gets odd for me.

He did a good job of harassing me, trying to draw my units off and get banelings into my mineral lines.  He just didn't do *enough* damage with them ever, not enough to stop me from teching to Roaches.  After a good hit with the banelings taking me down to 1/2 of his drone count, I countered with my now large Roach army while I took my 3rd and he GG'd.

That was it?  All I had to do was counter Roach once and he'd quit?  Good to know I guess!

+ 28 Points, Platinum League Division Rank 43, Remaining Bonus Pool 215

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