Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Random = Protoss Again + mini meltdown

Before Replay:

Because, of course, I can't seem to improve at it, I rolled Protoss again.

I really thought I had been improving, with all the games I was playing, but clearly not.  Tonight is teaching me that I was waaaaaaay wrong.

PvZ, he just did his own thing and built to Broodlords and kicked my ass.  I thought I had a big enough upgraded enough army to deal with the massive Broodlords / Infestors what with all my Carriers, Zealots and Stalkers who got right up under there and tried to deal with it.  But I was way wrong.

Wrong wrong wrong.

So what should I have done?  Quit when I saw I was Protoss?

The problem with Protoss is I feel like I can't harass.  Not that *Protoss* can't harass.  That I can't.  That I can't make good enough use of the units to harass effectively.

He killed all my probes too...I don't know what happened to them all but suddenly I didn't have any.

I'm getting super ragey here so clearly I'm done for the night.

After the Replay:

Something I know before I start the replay - I wasn't making very good use of my money.  Of course.  Should I be more aggressive with my Zealots?  I can't seem to balance out when I have gas and when I have minerals.  I *understand* what I was doing before, but suddenly can't recreate it tonight.

I was sooo high on minerals but couldn't get gas.  Suddenly I had nothing but gas and no minerals.  I can't seem to build the right units and predict.  Maybe I just don't have the right mindset right now.  Or maybe I'm just getting so off tilt when I see I've spawned Protoss again that I can't think straight.

It's interesting because, with Protoss, I feel like I can't win.  I should qualify that I guess..

With Protoss, I feel like every decision I make is the wrong one.  If I choose to be agressive with my early units, I shouldn't have because he built a lot of Lings and by the time I find out, my units are dead and he's in my base.  If I play conservative then I should have been more agressive.  If I scout and he's conservative, he suddenly builds a bunch of Lings, and if I scout and he's got a lot of units then I spend money building for defense of an attack that never comes.

You know, if I want to harass I should just fucking harass.  I did some DT play but I couldn't get them in the main.  I never bothered to watch to see why, but he had a bunch of Spine Crawlers and Overseers there.  If I'd dropped a few DTs in the back his Greater Spire would have been gone in no time.

My style is tech switching, harassment and large scale production of units.  I know that's mostly geared towards Zerg but I've been able to make it work in other match-ups.  I just have to get my head out of my ass and be willing to make it work.

Nothing I didn't already know in the replay.  I had plenty of great vision on him, I just didn't realize that his army would so cleanly destroy mine the way it did.  Once again I find myself wishing my friends still played'd be nice to have some friends to play and practice with.  But like many other games, my friends all like games I'm not a huge fan of and they generally aren't interested in playing the games I enjoy.  Board and card games tend to fall into this category too.

- 10 Points, Silver League Division Rank 15, Remaining Bonus Pool 101

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