Wednesday, October 24, 2012


That's all I have to say about that.

Before the Replay:

WTF.  So many stalkers?  I just got my ass handed to me in like 8 minutes.  It felt like I could do *nothing* about it.  I couldn't macro because he kept me so busy attacking my front base, I couldn't stop paying attention to my units without * guarantying* I'd lose all of them.  And everytime...everytime what?  Lost my train of thought.

After the Replay:

Nothing of value here either.  WTF am I getting so much PvP recently?  Or why does it feel that way?

I don't know what to do in this scenario.  I mean, I know I need to macro better but I can't seem to do it?  And I don't understand why.  Do I not understand the units?  The tech structure?  Can I not wrap my head around what Pylons I need when?  I don't understand the barrier.

If I felt like I could say "okay, this.  Work on this!" I'd feel better but now I don't see anything that I can do.  Any one thing.  Pissing me off because I know there's something, there's thousands of somethings, I just can't identify it.

- 12 Points, Silver League Division Rank 14, Remaining Bonus Pool 101

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