Sunday, May 19, 2013

Time to work towards Silver!

Before the Replay:

I started feeling like I was sucking.  He was poking my front pretty good with a Drone and then Zerglings.  My plan was to go with 1 Rax then Factory to get my free Siege Mode Siege Tanks up and then transition into Thor / Marine / Tank depending on what he brought.

It didn't quite work that way.  He rushed past my tanks to attack my workers.  He did mutas in the back and Zergling / Swarm Host in the front.  All kinds of things while he expanded a ton.

Fortunately, I held.  He destroyed all my Siege Tanks while I was distracted with the Mutas and for a second I thought I was going to lose.  Then I realized he was out of stuff and just pushed into his base and killed him.  1:1 Marine / Medivac ratio = Good!

After the Replay:

He did a decent job of getting upgrades, though I think I edged him out.  We both could have done better.

He had 4 bases to my 2 when he was building his forces.  He had good income and was keeping his money super low.  He didn't do a great job of larva injects...but he was keeping his money low so it probably wasn't a problem.

He could have had more gas....had 2/3 in two extractors at his 3rd and 0/3 in both built extractors in his 4th.

I got supply blocked a lot around the mid game.  I got so distracted by all the attacking and rebuilding and trying to get everything "going" I wasn't paying attention to that.

Once he started to move his big "DOOM" army into place, he wasn't macroing that well any more.  He wasn't getting a lot of upgrades (1 at a time for 2 evo chambers) and his money was getting way out of control.  Over 2k minerals.  He did take a 5th base while he had me pin'd in, which was a nice move.

He swarmed my Tanks with Zerglings.  I was distracted with the Mutalisks trying to defend my SCVs and he just stormed the walls and surrounded them.

Meanwhile he was only building a few Zerglings to repopulate his army and had almost 5k in the bank.  Meanwhile I was spending all my cash into rebuilding as much as I could as fast as I could and expand...which is how I won, he really gave the win to me by not macroing hard enough after he attacked with what he thought would give him the win.

By the end my Macro was slipping.  My third was finally running pretty well and I hadn't built up.  I think I started to make the same mistake he did.  I'll have to be more careful about that.

+ 44 Points, Bronze League Rank 53, Remaining Bonus Pool 271

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