Friday, January 30, 2015

It's the middle of the night, I can't sleep and I'm sick - this should go well

Our Team:

Leona Support, Kayle Mid, Draven ADC, Miss Fortune Top, Rek'Sai Jungle

Their Team:

Lucian ADC, Darius Top, Morgana Support, Malzahar Mid, Lee Sin Jungle

Right away into the pregame channel our first picker declares Support, never bodes well for me.  Not that I don't win from other lanes, I just have the best success in Ranked as support.

I went ADC, taking Draven since Mid and Jungle were also spoken for.  Next round of picks the next person up chooses MF and declares that she'll go ADC.  Winning.

We ended up losing MF around the 12 or 13 minute mark due to her mouse not working.  She came back just in time for us to surrender at 20.  At least I thought she did, but we failed the surrender.

Moments later we lost our first real team fight.  It was 11 kills to 26 at this point.  We'd taken 1 tower to their 6.

Quickly thereafter we lost another team fight and then lost another vote to surrender.  11 to 30.

By 30 minutes they had 2 inhibitors down.  We'd failed a few more votes to surrender and it was 14 to 40.

It finally ended at 33 minutes when we both surrendered and lost our Nexus.

6th Provision Match: Loss

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Placement Match 6...

Our Team:

Braum Support, Warwick Jungle, Ashe ADC, Shyvana Top, Syndra Mid

Their Team:

Gragas Mid, Nami Support, Riven Top, Varus ADC, Diana Jungle

Frisco's here back seat playing.

Game went well...we won.  Syndra carried hard with Shyvana right on her heels.

6th Provisional Placement Match: Win

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

For once I'm not the one playing Viktor...

Our Team:

Tristana ADC, Braum Support, Vlad Top, Jarvan IV Jungle, Viktor Mid

Their Team:

Orianna Mid, Vayne Top, Miss Fortune ADC, Anivia Support, Shyvana Jungle

The Vayne / MF choice had us a little perplexed during the picking stage.  Hopefully Vlad will wipe the floor with her, but we'll see.

I'm interested to see how Viktor does against Orianna.  I know I personally struggle in that match-up...but I think Viktor's capable.  Just requires patience.


Well we may not know.  Viktor showed up late, Orianna was already well into her early game CS.  Orianna quickly pulled up 5 kills and Viktor sank to 5 deaths.

Shyvana was also getting fed.  She came down and dove bot lane hard.  Killed all 3 of us, myself, Tris and Viktor who had come down to help push.  She tower dove me easily level 10 to level 9...

Eventually I had to mute Viktor.  I couldn't take listening to him any more....he was awful.  But by that point it was already over.  He'd given up too many kills to the enemy team.  Shyvana and Orianna were too fed.

We tried.  Valiantly I feel like.  But at the end of the day it just wasn't enough.  We couldn't make up for the deficit.

At the end of the game Viktor had died 16 times in 35 minutes.  Orianna had 20 kills, Shyvanna 18.  And the post game chat was just a constant stream of obscenities between teams.

5th Provisional Placement Match: Loss

Sunday, January 18, 2015

I almost had to play Syndra...

Not that it would have been so bad.  I like Syndra.

Our Team:

Sivir ADC, Olaf Top, Braum Support, Rengar Jungle, Zed Mid

Their Team:

Caitlyn ADC, Udyr Jungle, Quinn Mid, Teemo Top, Thresh Support

This was probably the worst of the games I've played yet.  We got HOSED.  Bad.  12 to 27.

Rengar died 7 times, as did Zed.  Sivier and Olaf both went down 5 times.  Most everyone died to Teemo with 14 kills.

It was just awful.  We weren't losing our bot lane, but we weren't winning it either.  They managed to get a kill on Sivir but we managed to turn it around and get a kill on Cait.  They were keeping us pretty pushed in our lane, but we were keeping up in CS and levels.  In fact at one point I'd spent more time in lane than anyone and had a level advantage.

Teemo just owned his lane and quickly started branching out.  They had wards and shrooms and traps everywhere.  We just couldn't win a fight, and we couldn't get together to win one if we tried.  People would enter team fights too late or too early.


4th Provision Placement Match: Loss

Friday, January 16, 2015

Apparently I'm bad, and I should feel bad

Maybe it's just me.  Maybe I'm a terrible support?  Maybe I'm terrible at LoL.


Our Team:

Vayne ADC, Warwick Jungle, Master Yi Mid, Braum Support, Volibear Top

Their Team:

Teemo Top, Ahri Mid, Twitch ADC, Thresh Support, Rammus Jungle

Our Vayne was over committing just a bit too much.  Not so much that I felt like she was playing too aggressively, but just enough that made me question if I was doing my job well enough or not.

I think I was...

Then Yi would come down and try to clean up.  He'd fail.  He'd tower dive Thresh.  He'd die.


However, towards the end of our laning phase we got WW and Yi down bot and executed an Ace.  Then....we snowballed.

We still tried to throw the game away, many times.  But amazingly we did not.  An actual win!

3rd Provisional Placement Match: Win

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

And another one bites the dust

Our Team:

Diana Jungle, Miss Fortune ADC, Braum Support, Darius Top, Vlad Mid

Their Team:

Graves ADC, Shaco Jungle, Morgana Support, Fiora Top, Akali Mid

Most of the team was awful.  Diana b'd in the middle of a fight.  Diana and Darius abandon Miss F to Akali to chase down Graves.  Vlad pretty much refused to participate in anything the rest of the team was doing.  At one point Vlad refused to participate in team fights until we "got a decent jungler who would gank mid".  Never mind that this was 25 minutes into the game and he was farming top.

What's crazy is we could win team fights when we got together and worked together.  But it so rarely happened and there was so much negative talk at each other inbetween every bad was just doomed.

Plenty of faults of my own.  I tried to move into a fight and moved in too late, just got myself killed.  I made others as well, I'm sure.

Akali and Firora got seriously fed off our incompetence and we just lost.

2nd Provisional Placement Match: Loss

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Back in the saddle - and it's like I never left

Our Team:

Caitlyn ADC, Braum Support, Ezreal Mid, Warwick Jungle, Darius Top

Their Team:

Mordekaiser Mid, Shen Top, Jinx ADC, Nami Support, Amumu Jungle

Amumu went Ignite / Smite, is that a thing now?

My first ranked game in...well certainly over a year.  I quite LoL a while back out of frustration, but I never stopped liking the game.  I just stopped having fun when I was playing the game.

Ian got me back into it with the new Team Mode, where you can queue up for the position / champion you want to play and get a team that way.  I like it and the ranking in it isn't quite so vicious.  People aren't uber serious.

But give it enough time and I want to play more..competitively.  So tonight I played ranked again.

And it went about as it ever did.  Our Ezreal mid kept overextending and blaming everyone else for being low level newbs.  Our Darius kept diving into fights 1 on 3, 2 on 4, where we were just outnumbered and could not win.

All in all it was bad.  I couldn't find a winning play.  If I dove in and soaked up the CC, I'd die and the team wouldn't take advantage.  If I stayed back someone would dive in solo and make a bad move.

I'm sure I had plenty of blame to shoulder as well.  Because there's no built in replay, I've decided to start FRAPSing my games and uploading them so I can link them in the post and review them later.  I forgot to record at the start but got it started quickly enough.

1st Provisional Placement Match: Loss