Friday, May 31, 2013

Wrong button, wrong button!

Oh man!  I tried to click "watch replay solo" on the ZvZ game I had just lost and accidentally pressed "play again" and queued for another game.  Damn!

Still, I managed to pull it out.

Before the Replay:

Adjusting to build a Factory immediately after my first Barracks in TvT is a great addition.  Hooray for free Siege mode!  So OP!

He went early expand and I crushed it and camped his front for a while.  He eventually pushed me out with Banshees but I was up to 3 or 4 bases by that time and just rolled over his army.  GG!

After the replay:

Man I needed to be spending better when I was on the Offensive.  I could have been more agressive to, but I don't mind taking an objective and just holding it.  I could have even pulled back and it wouldn't have necessarily been a mistake.  But my macro slipped seriously while I was pushing on him.  Sloppy.

Also he did have a second when I took his second.  I thought he might slip off and grab one, but I didn't send Marines to scout.  Just scanned a few.  Also sloppy, I should have sent Marines around the map.  I had plenty of Minerals to.

+ 26 Points, Silver League Divison Rank 56, Remaining Bonus Pool: 407

Man I hate ZvZ in HotS

Before the Replay:

So he didn't know it was a ZvZ up front.  We were cross map.  I went 15 hatch, pool.  I knew it was a mistake, it's been a mistake every game I've played ZvZ.  But I did it again and it was a mistake again.

He scouted out the ZvZ, cut his production of everything and just flooded the map with Zerglings.  I lose, GG.

After the Replay:

I thought he 1 base Zerg Rushed me.  Wrong!  He just made as many Zerglings as he could off 2 base as fast as he could.  Lesson learned?  We'll see.  Next ZvZ I 1-base Roach.

+ 0 Points, Silver League Division Rank 58, Remaining Bonus Pool: ?

"You've been promoted!" - Finally back to the Silver League!


Before the Replay:

I macro'd hard up front, or tried to.  I always feel rusty these days.  I had plenty of overlords out and got a good scout (Zerglings would have been cheaper...) when he moved out so I had Spines and Roaches out and ready by the time he showed up.

I did a 15 hatch, 14 pool.  It set me up well.  I took a 3rd, started making Mutas and was moving out with them when he pushed again.  I felt I had enough to defend with my Queens, Roaches and Spines so I flew my Mutas in.  I held and my mutas destroyed the probes in his base and he quit.  Victory!

After the Replay:

Boy did I spend my money terribly.  I kept leaping up, I was doing a terrible job keeping it spent.

Interestingly he did have a second base, but then he only built probes from that one.  And he never came close to saturating his first base.  So he was doing a good job of keeping his money spent, but he was doing a terrible job of building a lot of probes.  At 11 minutes I had 50 drones to his 25 probes.

+ 46 Points, Silver League Division Rank 58, Remaining Bonus Pool: 429

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Time to lose Frisco's promotion series! I mean win it...err...

So Frisco's 1-1.  He needs a win.

Our Team:

Miss Fortune ADC, Mordekaiser Mid, Jax Top, Janna Support, Xin Zhao Jungle

Their Team:

Kayle Mid, Sona Support, Kha'Zix Top, Tristana ADC, Nunu Jungle

This time Mordekaiser didn't connect right away.  He rejoined and quickly fed first blood.  But he came down for a nice gank and picked up a double kill, and from then on, despite his "lag" issues, he did pretty good, steam rolled nicely.

We picked up the win, I had a nice 1/2/23 score, and Frisco got his promotion.  Hooray!

+ 19 Points, Bronze IV Rank 17, 47 LP

Frisco's trusting me with his promotion series!

Unfortunately that means he's also trusting the other Bronze Leaguers....  Fortunately we have a little wiggle room.  He needs to win 2 out of 3 because it's an inter-league promotion, and he's 1 for 1 so far, so if we totally suck he's not out of it immediately.

We're duo'ing bottom lane.  Leona Draven.  We got this!

Our Team:

Leona Support, Warwick Top, Vladimir Mid, Jarvan Jungle, Draven ADC

Their Team:

Ryze Mid, Lulu Support, Sejuani Jungle, Yorick Top, Ezreal ADC

And I failed to connect.  Just hung at the loading screen.  Everyone else connected just fine.

I managed to reconnect as our Minions spawned and we got a quick First Blood off.  So things were going well.

Until they weren't.  It was bad across the board.  We would initiate the wrong target.  Jarvan would come in at the wrong time.  We would push too hard when we shouldn't.  We gave up kills to Ezreal time and time again.

After that they just snowballed.  Team was useless in terms of getting together and working together.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dat Zac

Our Team:

Ziggs Mid, Ashe ADC, Zac Top, Wukong Jungle, Janna Support

Their Team:

Ezreal ADC, Malzahar Mid, Dr. Mundo Support, Jarvan Top, Darius Jungle

Frisco on Ziggs again.  And they brought a Support Mundo, Jungle Darius.  This is new one for me.

The Mundo / Ezreal was designed to be some kind of hyper-agressive kill lane, but the Mundo wasn't super great.

Zac carried the crap out of us.  Dat Zac.  I had a pretty good game though myself.  Felt good.

+ 19 Points, Bronze IV Rank 14, 49 LP

3v5? We got this. Not.

Our Team:

Ziggs Mid, Caitlyn ADC, Malphite Top, Nasus Jungle, Janna Bot

Their Team:

Shen Top, Sona Support, Malzahar Mid, Warwick Jungle, Twitch ADC

There was some argument about who should play which champ.  Then there was picking this champ and switching...then the Malphite top D/C'd before the load screen started.


Nasus was also missing when we started so I went top with Janna for a while.  Frisco had mid with Ziggs and Cait had bot.

Eventually Nasus returned but Malphite never did.  Too little too late.

- 15 Points, Bronze IV Rank 16, 30 LP\

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"Kha'Zix has not bought any items or left the starting area..."

More duo queue with Frisco.

Our Team:

Sejuani Jungle, Diana Mid, Kha'Zix Top, Janna Support, Caitlyn ADC

Their Team:

Amumu Jungle, Malphite Top, Taric Support, Tristana ADC, Swain Mid

Frisco was our Jungle, I ran Janna.  We got off to a quick 2-0 start and took out the bot turret, so things looked promising.  Then we let them catch up.

Then we got it together.  Cait got a Penta Kill.  Then they aced us with Baron Buff in their base.  Because we're smart.

My whole game came about keeping Caitlyn alive.  Staying in the back, helping her peel and keeping her buffed.  Eventually she and I cleaned up the Ace in their Base (heh) and the game ended.  Only 54 minutes.

+ 17 Points, Bronze IV Rank 14, 45 LP

Sunday, May 19, 2013

I've been learning to play Jayce

But someone else called "Top" right away.  So I'll be playing Mid today with Fisco as my Jungle...

Our Team:

Sejuani Jungle, Darius Top, Ezreal ADC, Leona Support, Viktor Mid

Their Team:

Nocturne Jungle, Volibear Support, Miss Fortune ADC, Fizz Mid, Eve Top

Our Darius was complaining about lag whenever he got near Fizz and eventually left the game to reboot his router.

But it didn't stop them from not being good.

We rolled them hard.  It took 36 minutes, so we didn't get a surrender at 22 or anything, but they just couldn't seem to get it together.  The Nocturne had a lot of bad ults, the Eve was not very agressive.  Just wasn't impressive.

I mean I'll take the win and I'll feel good about it.  I'm just not totally sure that we won, I think they lost.

+ 26 Points, Bronze IV Rank 16, LP 28

Time to work towards Silver!

Before the Replay:

I started feeling like I was sucking.  He was poking my front pretty good with a Drone and then Zerglings.  My plan was to go with 1 Rax then Factory to get my free Siege Mode Siege Tanks up and then transition into Thor / Marine / Tank depending on what he brought.

It didn't quite work that way.  He rushed past my tanks to attack my workers.  He did mutas in the back and Zergling / Swarm Host in the front.  All kinds of things while he expanded a ton.

Fortunately, I held.  He destroyed all my Siege Tanks while I was distracted with the Mutas and for a second I thought I was going to lose.  Then I realized he was out of stuff and just pushed into his base and killed him.  1:1 Marine / Medivac ratio = Good!

After the Replay:

He did a decent job of getting upgrades, though I think I edged him out.  We both could have done better.

He had 4 bases to my 2 when he was building his forces.  He had good income and was keeping his money super low.  He didn't do a great job of larva injects...but he was keeping his money low so it probably wasn't a problem.

He could have had more gas....had 2/3 in two extractors at his 3rd and 0/3 in both built extractors in his 4th.

I got supply blocked a lot around the mid game.  I got so distracted by all the attacking and rebuilding and trying to get everything "going" I wasn't paying attention to that.

Once he started to move his big "DOOM" army into place, he wasn't macroing that well any more.  He wasn't getting a lot of upgrades (1 at a time for 2 evo chambers) and his money was getting way out of control.  Over 2k minerals.  He did take a 5th base while he had me pin'd in, which was a nice move.

He swarmed my Tanks with Zerglings.  I was distracted with the Mutalisks trying to defend my SCVs and he just stormed the walls and surrounded them.

Meanwhile he was only building a few Zerglings to repopulate his army and had almost 5k in the bank.  Meanwhile I was spending all my cash into rebuilding as much as I could as fast as I could and expand...which is how I won, he really gave the win to me by not macroing hard enough after he attacked with what he thought would give him the win.

By the end my Macro was slipping.  My third was finally running pretty well and I hadn't built up.  I think I started to make the same mistake he did.  I'll have to be more careful about that.

+ 44 Points, Bronze League Rank 53, Remaining Bonus Pool 271

Friday, May 17, 2013

AD Viktor, new Meta!

Okay, not really.

Frisco and I bot, Support / ADC.

Our Team:

Soraka Support, Singed Top, Sejuani Jungle, Veigar Mid, Caitlyn ADC

Their Team:

Draven ADC, Shaco Jungle, Renekton Top, Ryze Mid, Taric Support

Their jungle didn't go with a Smite.  I haven't seen that in a long time.  In fact, Shaco went Exhaust / Ghost.  I guess he's going to be ganking a lot.

Our Sejnani couldn't gank.  She'd come in at the wrong time, or not come in at all.

Our Veigar constantly lost to Ryze feeding him heavily and early.

Our Singed constantly complained, constantly blamed the rest of the team.

I don't understand how this is supposed to be fun.  I went 1 and 4 for the night?  I've won 7 of 27 games for the Season?  Am I really the worst player ever?

- 15 Points, Bronze IV Rank 24, 2 LP

"Looks like you're going Top"

I can't really jungle and immediately ADC, Support and Mid were called.  So I guess I'm going Top.  no problem...

Our Team:

Sejuani Jungle, Thresh Support, Orianna Mid, Pantheon Top, Varus ADC

Their Team:

Ryze Mid, Gangplank Top, Lee Sin Jungle, Ezreal ADC, Alistar Support

Frisco was in the Jungle.

Orianna D/C'd.  Came back after I screwed up and give up First Blood.

After that we turned it around.  Thresh is a great support with that lantern, Frisco's Jungle Boar was super strong.  Pantheon vs Gangplank was great for me.

I did throw away my life a lot for no reason.  I should have been more and learn I guess.  At least I actually got a win.

+ 17 Points, Bronze IV Rank 22, 17 LP

Thursday, May 16, 2013

"I don't know what to say to this level of play"

Today's titles are courtesy of Frisco.  He's experiencing the joys of low Bronze playing with me.

Our Team:

Kha'Zix Jungle,  Gragas Mid, Garen Top, Miss Fortune ADC, Janna Support

Their Team:

Sona Support, Trundle Jungle, Vayne ADC, Nasus Top, Twisted Fate Mid

Frisco was our Jungle.

But it didn't matter.  Our MF was a pain in the ass, our Gragas wouldn't engage with the team and would often engage without them.  I wasn't fantastic either =)

I don't know what I have to do to get a win.  I feel like I should be good enough to pull myself up.  Or if I'm this terrible, if I belong in Bronze V, which I'm sure is where I'll be after the next loss, I should at least be able to find a 50% win ratio there, right?

What does it mean if I can't get a 50% win rate at the bottom of the lowest ladder?  Am I the worst LoL player to every try to play?  Am I really that bad?

I guess we'll find out!

- 15 Points, Bronze IV Rank 29, 0 LP

"Let's bust you out of bronze!"

Famous last words by Frisco, I'm sure.

Our team:

Trundle Top, Vi Jungle, Alistar Support, Caitlyn ADC, Viktor Mid

Their team:

Amumu Jungle, Leona Support, Eve Mid, Miss Fortune ADC, Kayle Top

Vi didn't leave the tower until the minions spawned, so we just went to our lanes.

After getting blue buff, she d/c'd.

She eventually came back.  Level 2 when we were level 8.

We surrendered at 20.

- 16 Points, Bronze IV Rank 23, 15 LP

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bad from the start

Our Team:

Kha'Zix Jungle, Singed Top, Nasus Mid, Ezreal ADC, Janna Support

Their Team:

Miss Fortune ADC, Yi Jungle, Nidalee Top, Morgana Mid, Leona Support

Duo-queue with Frisco, he went Kha'Zix.  Singed and Ezreal's players both called top, fortunately Ezreal backed off.  So Nasus picked Nasus to go top after Singed already finished his he went mid.  Which sucked because he'd just sit and farm while Morgana went top and bot for constant ganks. I guess that's as much our fault as his for not noticing she was missing from lane =/

Their Yi got super fed.  We sucked.  Nasus kept running to his Death, Ezreal was so busy typing at everyone else that he would stand there and take hits, I'm wasn't playing super great as Janna because, let's face it, I'm still trying to figure out how to play Janna and play support.  All in all, not a great game.

Yi was 2-shotting me by the end.  FTW.  Or FTL as it was.

- 15 Points, Bronze League Rank 21, 31 LP

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Our team's arguing in the lobby at picks / bans

Our jungle is pissed that our ADC banned MF.  Apparently it's "stupid" to ban an ADC.  You only ban support and jungle.  Apparently it's common sense.  Who knew.

Our Team:
Caitlyn ADC, Janna Support, Amumu Jungle, Katarina Mid, Darius Top

Their Team:
Sona Support, Varus ADC, Karma Mid, Shen Top, Kha'Zix Jungle

Well that didn't go as badly as it could have.  But it came close.

Amumu died a lot and didn't bring much to the team.  He blamed bot for feeding "like no other" but Cait and I had the least number of deaths on the team.  We weren't getting any kills on Varus and Sona, but they weren't getting any on us except for when Amumu came down to try to help with a gank and we all died.

That being said, neither Cait or I was all pro by any means.  Cait kept taking Varus DPS to the face to try and hit Sona and a I was a bit rusty with Janna so it took me a while to really feel comfortable with what I was doing.

By the end of the game I went 0/4/3.  We lost at 32 minutes, I was still level 13 with only 5.9k to myself.

- 21 Points, Bronze Division IV Rank 17, 46 LP

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I can't get the 25 minute achievement..

On the last mission.  I could bump it down to Normal difficulty...but where'd the fun be in that.

My record?  25:30.  Damnation.

Anyway...on to some matchmaking.

I mean on to some TERRIBLE matchmaking.  God I'm so terrible at this game =)

Before the Replay:

PvZ.  I have no idea how to open with Air as a Protoss now.  I've tried it a few times against the Computer and lost miserably.  I'm scared to try it against a real player.  So instead I did a terrible Gateway opening.

Forgot to build units.  Forgot to chrono boost.  Forgot to build probes.  Forgot forgot forgot.  He just expanded like crazy and kept throwing stuff at the front of my base until I ran out of units.  Simple.  He played not terribly and I played terribly.

After the Replay:

Yeah.  Same deal.  I never had an advantage and constantly screwed up.  I just didn't have my mind around what I was doing.  You'd think this was my first game.  If there's a league below Bronze, that's the one I deserve to be in.

- 0 Points, Bronze League Division Rank 91, Remaining Bonus Pool 116

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Wild Hunt is on!

Duo queue with Frisco.  He played Kha'Zix.

Us: Draven ADC, Kha'Zix Jungle, Sona Support, Pantheon Top, Lissandra Mid

Them: Ezreal ADC, Rengar Jungle, Gragas Top, Brand Mid, Thresh Support

First League game in a while.

Our Pantheon top went quick to 2-0 and I followed-up with a Kha'Zix assisted double kill on Bot.

I might have gotten a little greedy.  But the laneing phase was ending and I was 5/3/4 so it wasn't terrible.

So we turned an early win into a close game by the mid.  But we hadn't thrown it away yet.

I totally failed to steal Baron with my ultimate...timed it waaay wrong.

We ended up winning though!

I went 7/7/13 with 229 CS which isn't totally terrible.

+ 28 Points, Bronze Divison IV Rank 9

Edit: Frisco lost the Wild Hunt quest.  We got a little over aggressive pushing top and got ripped apart.  Frisco, myself and Sona managed to escape, but Rengar caught up and put Frisco down, claiming his head.  Everyone was sad.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Next HotS season...

Time for my placement match.

Ass kicked.  Mine that is.

Before the Replay:

I'm terrible at PvP.  Always have been, probably always will be.  Not exactly the positive attitude I need.

I had a good first early attack, but then I didn't retreat my units, instead I let them die.

I played too passively, didn't spend my money well, didn't use map awareness the way I meant to.  Overall I played sloppy and he took advantage to build a huge death army of Collosi.

He was ranked Gold.

After the Replay:

I did have an army advantage when I rolled out and took out his third.  I think that was a good move.  I should have had more Gateways up and a forward Pylon to reinforce.

Of course when I lost my whole army to his there I had a 20 food supply deficit to him.

I essentially never caught up after that.  Couldn't watch for his drops, couldn't spend my money, couldn't think straight.

- 0 Points, Bronze League Division Rank 23, Remaining Bonus Pool 42